Retro Rebel Podcast Episode 122 – The death of physical games media

Retro Rebel | Listen via Stitcher for PodcastsIn this episode of the Retro Rebel Podcast, we are discussing the death of physical games media, gaming news, and what they are currently playing.

Retro Rebel Podcast is hosted by Amanda Fox and Stacy Bishop. Each week they take a deep dive into the gaming industry and discuss news stories, the current games they are playing as well as the topic of the week.

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava


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Pixelated Art of AmandaAmanda- I had a do at Mortal Kombat X this week on Twitch. Maybe I shouldn’t have started with the story mode? The learning curve felt like it went from 0 to 100 in the first 3 matches. The cut scenes were pretty cool, if only for the nostalgia factor but I can’t say I enjoyed the actual combat much. Maybe there should have been a tutorial? I mean, I had no idea how to use environment objects or whatnot. I felt behind the curve the whole time…


Xbox Series X & S- the x will be 499$ and s at 299$; but after having a close look at the specs, I would recommend going for the full-stack x model. That’s because the s is only 4k upscale and the x is native 4k/8k. That’s going to give you a better picture and experience overall. Spend a bit more to truly harness next-gen.

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Xbox game pass gets better- yesterday (Sept 15) Game Pass Ultimate users got access to stream hundreds of games from the cloud on Android. Plus, some EA pass games will come to game pass in November, so I’m pretty excited to resume my SIMS addiction haha.

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God’s & Monster’s name changed- in a move that should have surprised no one, Ubisoft had to change the name of God’s and monster’s after Monster Energy Drink took issue with it. How you could get the two confused, I don’t know, but that’s how trademarks work I guess.

MAIN TOPIC – The death of physical games media

Pixelated Art of AmandaAmanda- Physical game copies have been dead for me for years now. I don’t own a single physical copy anymore. There are loads of reasons for this including limited space, low influence by day 1 order culture, and the habit of renting games for the last decade that’s only been made easier by game pass. Now that game pass is becoming a dominant service, I think more people will be making the switch. This will reduce the number of physical copies in the marketplace, driving up the cost of used games, making them less desirable overall. Plus the new 100% digital Xbox Series S and PS5 consoles will further encourage digital consumption. Is that a bad thing? I’ve never thought so, but that was from the comfort of a competitive marketplace. Once 2nd hand sales are eliminated, it may open the door to increase the cost of games beyond the already higher $70 price point.




Pixelated Tshirt. The t shirt is black, and has an 8 bit image of Stacy and Amanda as game characters about to jump over a game challenge
Newest Retro Rebel T-Shirt is now available on our TeePublic Shop.

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This episode was edited by Monica Duarte


  • Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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Amanda Fox

Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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