Retro Rebel Podcast – Review bombing, Petitions and The Last of Us 2

This week on the Retro Rebel Podcast, Stacy, and Amanda tackle the subject of review bombing, petitions, and The Last of Us 2. Is review bombing affective? Discussing what is currently happening with The Last of Us. Does it get the attention or influence the publishers?

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava


Amanda- More CoD Warzone this week for me. I’ve been playing warzone rumble which is a fun 25 v 25 sort of combat mode which is a sniper paradise. There’s a new BR Quads which has people shook as you cant tell when you down or team kills so it’s hard to know when to push. Is it more realistic? Sure, but at the expense of notifications which are helpful for the average player IMO.

Stacy-Well, I tried my hand at Magic: The Gathering Arena (MTG: Arena) and I loved it! Now, if the servers can catch up to the gameplay and stop dropping connections…

I also played a little of a game you might have heard of, The Last of Us 2! Beautiful, violent, dark, depressing…kind of everything I was expecting and more. It’s awesome and I’m having a blast. 


Pokemon Unite – A new MOBA style Pokemon game is coming to the switch and mobile allowing cross-platform play and the choice of a handful of fav favorite pokemon to play with.

Gaming time per lifetime – A new study shows gamers spend on average 3 years of their lives playing games and over £16k pursuing their hobby.

Apex Legends coming to mobile – the popular console and PC battle royale is coming to mobile this year. This is good news for cross-platform players with news of a port to Switch already announced.

Last of Us coming to HBO- Director Johan Renck of Breaking Bad and Chernobyl fame has been signed on for the pilot.


Amanda – I think petitions work. I think review bombing works. But I don’t think the end result is what the actors want… they want change or to express their dissatisfaction, but all I think these actions usually accomplish is convincing studios to NOT FUND ambitious projects. To be more risk-averse. To not make statements of any kind. The controversy is bad for stakeholders.

Stacy-I agree; petitions and review bombs work, just not necessarily in the intended way. Review bombing can be useful and is a way to express political or moral stances towards a company whose business practices you disagree. Review bombing can also be used as a means to bully game designers online.


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  • Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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Amanda Fox

Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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