Last we saw, the fires of mount doom were ignited and Galadriel walked herself right into the smoke. The show has only gotten better as it has gone on, and audiences are truly excited to see how far it takes us in Middle Earth’s history. We get all of the factions back in this episode, but most of our character development comes from Elrond, Durin, and Galadriel.

The camera work and effects used during the rescue scene were incredible. It clearly articulated the danger and panic that the people of the southlands were experiencing.
We finally get to spend some time with Hobbits again, when they discover the consequences of the volcano eruption. Once again, the writing of this show is brilliant and subtle. Everyone is experiencing loss, confusion, and pain, and we get to see that from all of the factions.
Elrond and Durin
Elrond is the best. He is so humble and kind, and his relationship with Durin is adorable. They are simply the best best-friends ever. Durin is the sweetest, pleading with his father to help save, not the elves, but specifically to save Elrond. Disa is having none of it. She is so aggressively on Durin and Elrond’s side and it’s beautiful. Raw, vulnerable, male friendships are so rare in media, and Durin and Elrond so clearly love and care for each other; it’s magical.
This struggle that Durin has between being loyal to his father and king or helping save Elrond is so well portrayed. The acting from these two men is absolutely incredible. The heart and love that they put into their performances is so incredible.
Durin standing up to his father in such a visceral way in defense of Elrond and their friendship is so powerful. He truly loves his friend, and he won’t let his father be responsible for the fall of an entire race. In return, his father does, essentially, disown him.
Disa comforting Durin is so great because at no point does she use soft words. She is the embodiment of strength and power, and their relationship is incredible. In a beautiful scene, we do get our first glimpse of the Balrog.

Nori’s faith in herself and her friend are restored when she wakes up to a bountiful garden of trees filled with fruit.
We still don’t know who these people in robes are as they are very sinister and imposing. They all of a sudden have a very heavy impact on the story. They destroyed the hobbits encampment.
Nori wants to warn her friend. Poppy and her mom decide to go with her, as does Sodac, and the four of them embark on their way to find their giant helper.
Despite her giant friend causing damage and inflicting fear, Nori remains loyal and sweet. Her kindness radiates when the rest of the Hobbits insist he travel elsewhere, and she hands him one of the last of their apples as he leaves. The result of bringing him into the fold seems to kind of kill her spirit. Nori seems very broken that she was wrong about bringing him along. She feels responsible for putting the rest of their village in danger. If she ever meets Galadriel, then it would be very sweet.

The first thing Galadriel does when she comes out of her haze is call for Halbrand. She’s looking for her other travel companions, but his is the first name she calls. We knew Isildur wasn’t going to die, but their friend who really didn’t like battle did.
As the people leave the ruins of the Southlands, the Queen realizes that she is blind. This came as a consequence of rescuing people in the dense smoke. Galadriel and Theo are separated from the rest of their people and forced to find safety alone.
Galadriel reveals that she lost more than her brother to Sauron. This is the first mention that we get of her husband, Celeborn. We as an audience have never heard his name, which tells us that his death is something that our lady Galadriel can’t deal with. She feels the grief of losing her brother but she won’t let herself feel grief for her husband.
Galadriel and Theo find their way back to the people of Numenor, where Theo finds his mom, alive. Galadriel goes to see the queen to accept responsibility for what happened to her. The queen is now angry, not with Galadriel, but with the actual enemy, and she assures her that Numenor will return to help the elves fight.
Of course, Galadriel takes a very injured Halbrand with her. She decides to take him home so that he may be healed by elvish medicine.
As we approach the finale of season 1, a lot of storylines are coming to a head. Elrond and Durin are struggling against the dwarven king, Galadriel is on her own yet also trying to protect Theo, and she has no idea what is going on with the elves. The hobbits are feeling loss and confusion, and their giant friend is now gone. Audiences are on the edge of their seats waiting for the finale, and we can’t wait to see where this story goes.