River Song is set to make her return to Big Finish with the ninth series of The Diary of River Song! With the ever-amazing Alex Kingston back in the role she’s been playing since 2008, The Diary of River Song: New Recruit will be released in October 2021. And this time, she’s headed to the 1970s- or possibly the ‘80s.
The four episodes that will make up this release will see River teaming up with the original UNIT team including Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and scientist Dr Liz Shaw. The Brig will be played by Jon Culshaw who has played the part in multiple releases for Big Finish. Dr Shaw will be played by Daisy Ashford, the daughter of Liz’s original actress, Caroline John. Alex Kingston had this to say about returning to the role of River once again:
“River Song is the longest role I’ve played – over 13 years! – but I’m not tired of her at all. I’ve become very fond of this lovely character. And my gosh, not only does this role keep on going, but look at all the husbands that she’s had along the way! There just seem to be endless opportunities to go on these fabulous adventures. It’s fantastic and I love it. Long may it last!”

Big Finish promises that this set of stories will include “…everything from spooky folklore in an English village to ambitious scientists overreaching themselves, and a good old-fashioned alien invasion…”. With episode titles such as “The Blood Woods” (Lizbeth Myles), “Terror of the Suburbs” (James Kettle), “Never Alone” (Helen Goldwyn), and “Rivers of Light” (Lisa McMullin) there does seem to be a bit of an eerie vibe to series nine! Script editor Matt Fitton had a few more hints to share about what to expect from New Recruit:
“River Song has joined UNIT! And with the Doctor out of the picture, it’s up to her and Liz Shaw to be the Brigadier’s scientific advisers on the odd and unexplained. I love the idea of Dr Song and Dr Shaw having a whole ‘season’ of adventures of their own, following on from Inferno – two brilliant scientists saving the world in style. The dynamic between River and Liz is fantastic, but it may well be that River has an agenda in coming to this time and place… And when the Doctor does return, there’ll be fireworks!”
Between River and Liz teaming up and the potential for River to meet the Third Doctor, it sounds like there will be a lot happening in the ninth series of The Diary of River Song. It’s always lots of fun when River runs into others who know the Doctor. Though it could be seen as slightly gimmick-y, Big Fish generally does a wonderful job finding ways for characters from various eras to meet and have an excellent story, too.
River’s Past/Future With UNIT
Of course, this is not the first time that River Song has teamed up with UNIT. She has a past- or future, depending on how you look at it- with them. April 2019 saw the release of UNIT: Incursions and the story “The Power of River Song” by Guy Adams. Of course, this story had River working with Osgood, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, and others of the “modern era” UNIT team.
River has also briefly met the Third Doctor before as well. In The Diary of River Song Series 6’s “Peepshow”, she’s involved in events that correspond to the TV series’ “Carnival of Monsters”. After escaping a miniscope, she pops up while the Doctor is tinkering. After a brief conversation, she moves on once more. Given that this serial takes place some time after the gap that New Recruit will be filling in the TV show, I’ll be interested to hear how this is addressed (if it is).
With just a few months to wait for its release, you can pre-order The Diary of River Song: New Recruit for £19.99 as a download or £24.99 as a collector’s edition four-disc CD set on Big Finish’s website.