How do you celebrate 50 years of the Doctor’s “best enemy,” the Master? If you’re Titan Comics, then the answer is a brand-new story featuring the ever-delightful (and devious) Missy! Teaming up with the original/Roger Delgado Master, Missy has quite a few tricks up her sleeve in this comic series. Recently, I was able to ask Roberta Ingranata– the illustrator for this series- a few questions about her work on Missy. As an Italian comic artist from Milan, Roberta has worked with publishers in Europe and the US on titles such as Robyn Hood and Witchblade. Recently, she has been the regular artist on Titan Comics’ Doctor Who- The Thirteenth Doctor series.

Q&A With Roberta Ingranata
Missy’s new outfit in this story is delightful! I’m part of a Missy Cosplay group on Facebook and I know a few of them are already working on making it! What was some of the inspiration behind her look?
Roberta: Oh, WOW!! For real? I would be delighted to see it made by cosplayers! Jody’s description was very detailed, so I was facilitated, the rest is absolutely a figment of my imagination. But Jody really described it to me in great detail, so I guess I brought her thought of her to life, and I hope I did it to the fullest!
Are there any other characters in Doctor Who that you would like to have a chance to design a new outfit for?
Roberta: I think everyone! But among my favorites there are always and only Clara Oswald and River Song.
How do you go about illustrating something with a lot of action like the sword fight scenes between the Master and Missy?
Roberta: I used a lot of references, especially foil fighting, and I watched many videos on YouTube! Fortunately, today the internet offers everything!
The Master and Missy revisit a few familiar places in the Whoniverse in this story. Did you have a favorite location to work on? Which was the most challenging?
Roberta: Each of them was challenging for a different reason, as I said before, apart from the difficult – and fun!- of the Doctor is to be faithful to the details, then retrieve from the TV series all those places and those essential details to recreate the same atmosphere of the show !
Doctor Who- Missy: The Master Plan is out now! You can find it on Amazon, Comixology, Barnes & Noble, and your local comic book store!