Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard sits in a chair surrounded by starship displays, controls and panels

RockLove Jewelry Debut New Piece From Star Trek: Picard Season 3

Popular fandom jewelry maker, RockLove Jewelry, recently debuted a new wearable ear piece after the release of episode 5 in Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard’s episode, “Imposters,” which is available to watch and stream now on Paramount+BEFORE READING ON, WATCH THE EPISODE FIRST BEFORE DIVING INTO SPOILERS BELOW!

Bajoran earring from Star Trek Picard Season 3
Star Trek X RockLove Bajoran ear cuff from Star Trek: Picard

About RockLove Jewelry

Allison Cimino is the CEO, Founder, and Designer of RockLove Jewelry. After a call from CBS, she designed a special line for Star Trek. From there, she grew her brand into different licensing deals with Marvel, Disney, Star Wars, DC Comics, and Studio Ghibli, just to name a few. Although RockLove is a woman-owned and woman-operated independent business, Allison pushes the stereotypes of the jewelry industry and aims to be an inclusive brand to ensure the free expression of fandom.

Allison Cimino of RockLove Jewelry
CEO, Founder, and Designer, Allison Cimino of RockLove Jewelry

In season 3, episode 5 of Star Trek: Picard, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewar) must face a court-martial interrogation as a result of his involvement in the plan to use the ship of the U.S.S. Titan and its crew in order to respond to an emergency communication sent by Dr. Beverly Crusher. In the episode, a prominent figure of Picard’s past re-emerges to question and challenge his actions that compromise the ship and crew, and to learn more information about Picard’s son, Jack.

The figure in question turned out to be Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a former ensign of Starfleet and mentee of Picard. She left Starfleet to join the Maquis – a group of individuals discontent with the practices of Starfleet. Michelle Forbes returned to reprise her role as Ro Laren, this time coming back to Starfleet and having the rank of Commander.

One of the striking features of Ro Laren’s character was the earring she wore to identify not only to her race (she was Bajoran), but allegedly wore it to find refuge. Later on, Ro gave Picard her earring as a memento. Captain Riker, (Jonathan Frakes) then revealed to Picard that the earring was an actual spy piece and storage device. Riker informed Picard that the ear piece contained a data chip, which revealed all of Ro Laren’s investigation into the infiltration of a shape shifting race called the Changelings within Starfleet.

Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren in the episode "Imposters" stands in the 10 Forward Bar
Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren in “Imposters” Episode 305, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/ Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek and RockLove Jewelry Collaboration

Bajoran Ear piece as worn by Michelle Forbes as Commander Ro Laren on Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard
Star Trek X RockLove Bajoran Cuff

Fans of the character and of the series, now have an opportunity to purchase and own the officially licensed earring as it appears in the episode, and can use it for cosplay or wear it casually and possibly strike up some conversation. Cimino, who is also a self-confessed fan of Star Trek, worked closely with Star Trek: Picard Prop Master Jeff Lombardi to recreate the piece for fans. From RockLove’s website:

Created from Jeffrey’s original designs, [Allison] translates the renders into physical jewelry items worn by the actors. RockLove’s Star Trek: Picard jewelry utilize the exact same sculpts as those made for the show.

Furthermore, the official Star Trek website has an article featuring Prop Master Lombardi’s additional insight and importance in the design of the Bajoran jewelry as worn by Ro Laren and additional cast members. It also mentions his work in collaborating with RockLove Jewelry and making the earpiece available for fans.

Additional Star Trek Pieces Available

Prior to the release of Ro Laren’s earpiece for this current season of Star Trek: Picard, RockLove Jewelry also released another Bajoran earpiece styled after Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine television series. It is also currently available for purchase on the official RockLove Jewelry website in addition to other Trek related jewelry.


  • Ron A

    A tea and matcha loving nerd who hugs his comic books at night and has a dire appetite to see Daredevil on screen again. Lover of music (yes to vinyl), food, and exploring new things, but does not treat them exclusively from each other.

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Ron A

A tea and matcha loving nerd who hugs his comic books at night and has a dire appetite to see Daredevil on screen again. Lover of music (yes to vinyl), food, and exploring new things, but does not treat them exclusively from each other.

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