Running with Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth, A new feature documentary

A new feature documentary Running with Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth, follows a niche group of gamers who came together in 2010 in some kid’s basement for a good cause. The premise was to showcase their skill and stream their efforts all to raise money for charity.

As human beings, we’ve always been fascinated by speed. How quickly can I finish that crossword puzzle? How fast can I run from one end of the gym to the other? Can I be faster? Can I be better? What can I do cut down my time? To be fast, it takes a certain level of focus and repetition. A discipline and a vulnerability to open yourself up to failure without losing heart.


For the uninitiated, speedrunning is the art of beating a game in record time. It’s a craft, a lifestyle, a hobby and for some, it’s a career. It is, (as stated in the documentary itself), the ongoing pursuit of perfection. Giving games (most notably retro games) an extended second life.

“Speedrunning is as popular as it has ever been and runners continue to push boundaries — like beating Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!, while blindfolded! A big part of the thrill for fans is witnessing speedrunners execute high level strategies in real-time, as they whittle world record times down to the millisecond,” said director Patrick Lope. “With the onset of streaming platforms like Twitch, select runners are finding ways to make a living from their persistent endeavors. It’s both uncanny and remarkable.”

“These are masters of the most popular games in the world, and no matter your age, their cutting-edge gameplay and endless dedication is something to behold,” said director Nicholas Mross. “Many people have fond memories of these classic games from their childhood, and to watch speedrunners break them down and present them in a way most never experienced is nostalgically satisfying.”

Running with Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth

Running With Speed Key Art
Running With Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth key art

Running with Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth, follows a niche group of gamers who came together in 2010 in some kid’s basement for a good cause. The premise was to showcase their skill and stream their efforts all to raise money for charity. To most everyone’s surprise it worked! Shining a spotlight on the speedrunning community. Now, over a decade later, Running with Speed weaves the tale of that same group of gamers collaborating to organize annual speedrunning marathons for charity. Raising over $41 million for causes like Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

“This first-of-its-kind documentary not only celebrates the gaming community at its very best, but also illuminates the relentless pursuit of perfection within the human spirit”, added Andy Myers, EVP of Distribution and Production at Good Deed Entertainment. 

Mitchflowerpower streaming on twitch
Mitch Fowler aka MitchFlowerPower streaming on Twitch

Running with Speed: The Fastest Gamers on Earth is (MTV’s True Life) and Nicholas Mross (The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin), and in addition to narration by Summoning Salt features interviews with renowned speedrunners and gaming personalities including David Hunt (GrandPooBear), Mitch Fowler (Mitchflowerpower), Allan Alvarez (Cheese), Andrew Gardikis (AndrewG), Mason Cramer (GlitchCat7), Brandon Jacobson (Oatsngoats), Asa Tims (Spikevegeta), as well as Narcissa Wright, Zoast, Sinister1, ZFG and more. 

PS3 AGDQ audience reaction
PS3 AGDQ audience reaction

The film is available on major VOD platforms including Apple TV, iTunes, Amazon, Google, YouTube Movies, Vudu, and Microsoft. From January 6 through 15, in conjunction with and in support of this year’s Games Done Quick, a portion of the proceeds from each download of Running with Speed will be donated to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. 



Dana Reboe is a Canadian writer from Toronto who loves all things geeky. When she isn't writing you can often find her nose deep in a fantasy novel, re-watching old Doctor Who episodes for the billionth time or playing Dungeons & Dragons.

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