Myles Obenza chats with the co-hosts of Thank the Maker: A Star Wars Podcast, Adam Russell and Nick Ghanbarian at Star Wars Celebration 2022.
Thank The Maker: A Star Wars Podcast
Thank the Maker: A Star Wars Podcast is a passion project by Star Wars fans for Star Wars fans. Musicians William Ryan Key (Yellowcard), Adam Russell (Story of the Year), and Nick Ghanbarian (Bayside) sit down weekly to discuss the latest from the galaxy far, far away. We caught up with them at Star Wars celebration.
We asked them about their love of fandom but also about their enthusiam for events like this. Nick Ghanbarian whose band Bayside will be on tour with Thrice this summer said “ I love being in a room filled with people who all love the same thing. We’re all happy. Everyone here is happy right now.” He goes on to talk about the online negativity in the Star Wars fandom. “This eviscerates the bubble of negativity that exists online. There’s 20,000 people here, probably more, that all love Star Wars and you feel it when you’re in this convention center.”

Adam Russell is best known for being the bass player for the band Story of the Year. He told us a little bit about why he thinks events like Star Wars Celebration are so special because you get to with like-minded people who really understand you. “It’s about being in a room with people who share the same passion and you know that you can fully be yourself. You know I’m the kind of person that, I can’t not speak in movie quotes, and mostly Star Wars quotes, so to drop little things here and there and know that anyone in any of these rooms will get it, is just of a cool little feeling.”
Mosh Eisley After Party
Adam and Nick also hosted an unofficial party in celebration of the event called MOSH EISELY – A Star Wars Celebration afterparty. The idea was an event that was like emo night, but 100% more Star Wars. Attendees were encouraged to wear costumes and bring Lightsabers and any Star Wars clothing. The sold-out event took place at Chain Reaction just a few miles from the convention center.
Thank you to everyone who showed up and made @mosh_eisley a success!
— Mosh Eisley (@mosh_eisley) May 31, 2022
Star Wars Celebration 2022
Star Wars Celebration finally returned after a three-year (pandemic-related) hiatus. The official Star Wars-inspired convention returned over Memorial Day weekend, with both fans from all over the world gathering in Anaheim, CA to celebrate.

The 4-day event brought huge names in the Star Wars universe like Actors Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Pedro Pascal, and Rosario Dawson, and introduced fans to new stars. It was four full days of panels, huge announcements, and exciting exhibitions. The next Star Wars Celebration event has been announced for April 2023 and will take place in London.