The Empire Geeks Out

Danniel, Chad, Katie, Marcus and Vince discuss their final theories about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. They then transition to this week’s Superhero Deathmatch where they pit Batman against the

What Are You Doing Now?

Danniel, Katie, Marcus, and Stacy discuss different topics ranging from Han Solo’s bastard children to being catfished on AIM. This episode has a lot of topics. This was a fun

A Conversation About Harrison Ford

Danniel, Katie, and Vincent discuss Harrison Ford the actor. There is some debate on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Danniel makes a prediction about Star Wars Episode VII. Enjoy!

Three Trailers and a Baby

The geeks share their thoughts on the Ant-man, Star Wars, and Batman v Superman trailers that were released. Oh, and Thomas the Train gets name dropped…. alot!

A “Force”full of Awesomeness

Disney releases the title to Star Wars: Episode VII. What did they call it? The Force Awakens. Hear what the geeks think about this and other things related to Star