What Franchise World We Would Want to Live In?

Many Franchise Worlds Danniel, Jonathan, Katie, and Marcus discuss which of their favorite franchise worlds they would live in. There is talk of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Batman, and Final


Is Hollywood Out Of Ideas?

Hollywood Danniel, Jonathan, Katie and Marcus discuss the state of Hollywood now-a-days. Is this really a town that is completely out of original ideas? We discuss why Hollywood keeps churning the

Why Hasn’t Hogwarts Been Charged With Child Endangerment?

Danniel, Chelsea, and Katie discuss the dangers of sending you son or daughter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Imagine getting a letter from the school’s headmaster to learn that

Our Introductions To The World of Geekdom

Stacy, Danniel, and Katie chat about what got them into geekdom. Hear some tales of tragedy and humor. Enjoy! Temple of Geek “ToGCAST” episode 71 is brought to you by audible.com –

An Interview With Haley and Alyce Adams

Danniel and Katie get to chat with the creators of a new web series titled “I Can’t Even”. You can check out the series here https://youtu.be/diq2Lrd4zPw. Enjoy the episode and