Lorien Bridal Boutique is a Geeky Bride’s Dream Come True

This week on the Temple of Geek Podcast Amanda Hunt, the owner of Lorien Bridal Boutique joins us. A place that’s perfect for a geeky bride!

Five Geek Fashion Bloggers To Follow

Temple Of Geek Chic has your list of five Geek Fashion Bloggers you should follow. These are members of the geek community who are actively out there spreading joy and geek style awareness. Their passions for fandom, fashion and geekery is apparent in all their posts. 

Temple Of Geek Chic: Hero Within

Hero Within offers a sophisticated line of geeky clothing for men. The best part about being a geek is celebrating your fandoms with passion, getting your geek on and finding that which empowers you and makes you feel like a super hero! Hero Within definitely lets you express that!