What Movies Deserve A Sequel?

Movie Sequels Danniel, and Jonathan discuss which movies deserve to have a sequel. They also mention movies that shouldn’t have had sequels made. This is the 100th episode of the


A Trailer Episode

Danniel, Jonathan, Katie and Marcus discuss a trailer. Well, more like several of the new trailers that have been released starting Pirates. Later, Katie departs in the middle of the episode because

Our Introductions To The World of Geekdom

Stacy, Danniel, and Katie chat about what got them into geekdom. Hear some tales of tragedy and humor. Enjoy! Temple of Geek “ToGCAST” episode 71 is brought to you by audible.com –

Another Origin Story – How We Became Geeks

Danniel, Chad, Chelsea, Katie and Marcus discuss how they each got started with Temple of Geek. Prepare to learn more then you ever wanted to from your favorite ToGCast members.

A Thanksgiving Episode

Danniel decides to do a solo episode and reminisces about Temple of Geek. Danniel expresses his gratefulness for  his fellow cast members and his fans. Enjoy this Thanksgiving episode! The