The Best PC Games of All Time – Part 2

In this episode of the Retro Rebel Podcast, we have guest host Steve back this week as a proper PC aficionado to discuss the best PC games of all time. What counts? Anything that’s BEST when played on PC. So, if a port works better on a PC, then we’ll count it! Any genre, any type of game, it’s allowed in this mega list. This is the second part of our discussion! You can check out the first part here. 

Retro Rebel Podcast is hosted by Amanda Fox and Stacy Bishop. Each week they take a deep dive into the gaming industry and discuss news stories, the current games they are playing as well as the topic of the week. Do you like this episode? Wanna complain about something we got wrong? Let us know what you think by dropping a comment below or emailing us at We really want to hear your opinions!

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava

The best PC games of all time – Part 1

We have guest host Steve back this week as a proper PC aficionado to discuss the best PC games of all time. What counts? Anything that’s BEST when played on PC. So, if a port works better on a PC, then we’ll count it! Any genre, any type of game, it’s all allowed in this mega list. This is the second part of our discussion! You can check out the first part here. 

Here are the first 10. They are Steve’s picks for the most genre-defining titles/engines:

  1. Hollow Knight – METROIDVANIA
  2. Orange box / Valve (Portal, Half-life, TF2, L4D, GMOD) – MULTIPLE
  3. Minecraft – WORLD BUILDER
  4. Warcraft 3 -RTS to become a MOBA
  5. Age of Empires – RTS
  6. Ori and the Blind Forest / Will o the Wisp – 2D PLATFORMER
  7. Elder Scrolls – RPG
  8. Dwarf Fortress – SIM
  9. Quake / DOOM / Unreal Tournament -FPS
  10. World of Warcraft **also on Amanda’s mini list** -MMORPG

The full list from all episodes is below (for those of you following along).

Steve’s Mega List

Top 30 PC games of all time + personals

  1. Hollow Knight
  2. Orange box / Valve(Portal, Half-life, TF2, L4D, GMOD)
  3. Minecraft
  4. Warcraft 3 (MOBAs)
  5. Age of Empires
  6. Ori and the Blind Forest / Will o the Wisp
  7. Elder Scrolls
  8. Dwarf Fortress
  9. Quake / DOOM / Unreal Tournament
  10. World of Warcraft
  11. Deep Rock Galactic
  12. Baldur’s Gate
  13. Terraria
  14. Diablo
  15. Hades
  16. Stardew Valley
  17. Civilization (VI)
  18. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  19. System Shock II
  20. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt

Honourable mentions / good ones on PC

  1. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain
  2. Undertale
  3. Hylics 2
  4. Bioshock
  5. Fallout: New Vegas
  6. Metro 2033
  7. STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
  8. Alien Isolation
  9. Everhood
  10. Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Amanda’s Mini List

  1. City of Heroes/Villains
  2. Word of Warcraft
  3. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
  4. Oregon Trail
  5. Matrix: The MMO

About our Hosts

Amanda Fox cut her teeth on her dad’s old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and a sucker for console RPGs. Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps than shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

Steve is a professional D&D dungeon master with years in the field running campaigns for new and experienced players alike. With a huge passion for video games that rivals his tabletop prowess, Steve is regularly found enjoying cooperative, horror, platformers, and more.

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Monica leads the team at Temple of Geek as Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek and Executive Producer on all Temple of Geek Projects. She's a passionate enthusiast of all things geek, with a particular fondness for sci-fi gems like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars, and Star Trek. As the creator of Portrait of a Fangirl, she has found that the Fangirl community is one of the most fullfilling aspects of fandom. She has been with Temple of Geek since 2017 and has led the team since 2020.

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