This week in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode four, “The Whole World is Watching,” a lot happened in under an hour. Tensions between John Walker (Wyatt Russell) and Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) continue to grow. The Flag Smashers are on the move. In this episode, the stakes are high, and so are emotions. General spoiler warnings apply.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode four opens with sweet relief
The opening scene is a flashback. We see a stunning Wakanda scene from six years ago. Ayo (Florence Kasumba) is working on releasing Bucky from his Winter Soldier programming. Bucky looks terrified that their work will be in vain. In this moment, Bucky has to completely trust Ayo and their work. Ayo tells him that she will not let him hurt anyone. Then, she begins to recite the Russian sequence that activates the Winter Soldier. As she recites the sequence, we get snippets of the Winter Soldier’s past. Once Ayo finished reciting the sequence, nothing happens. Ayo says to Bucky, “You are free.” Tears stream down Bucky’s face. His relief flooded this scene with intense, beautiful emotion. Being able to witness the end of the Winter Soldier and the re-birth of Bucky Barnes was captivating.

Then, the episode brings us to the present. Ayo tells Bucky that he and Sam have eight hours before she comes for Zemo. Even if Zemo is a means to an end, he still killed King T’Chaka in cold blood, and Zemo must answer for that.
The search for Karli Morgenthau
Karli Morgenthau (Erin Kellyman), leader of the Flag Smashers, has made a list of demands. The news reports that the building she bombed left three people dead. Sam finds out about the list of demands and sees that the fight will not end until the demands are met. Sam believes that if they can find out where the memorial will be of Karli’s friend, Donya, then they can find Karli. Zemo, Sam, and Bucky try to find out what they can. Sam and Bucky have no luck, as the displaced groups of people do not trust “outsiders.” Zemo is able to get information from a young child. He tells this young child that Sam and Bucky are bad men and that her secret about the memorial will be safe with him.
Sam does not blame the Flag Smashers for what they are doing. No, he does not agree with their methods, but he understands. The world came together during the five years after the Blip, and now suddenly people are without homes, jobs, and basic necessities. Zemo tells Sam and Bucky he knows that there will be funueral. Of course, Zemo keeps the location close to the vest. He needs leverage. At this moment, Bucky just about loses it and gets in Zemo’s face. Sam calms him down and calls Sharon (Emily VanCamp).

As Sam calls Sharon, we see Sharon walking through very sketchy-looking streets back in Madripoor. She said she will do Sam a favor as long as he finds Karli. Something about this quick phone call did not feel right. Sharon walked through a group of heavily armed men quite easily. Do they know her? Is her life something far more different than she has led on?
John Walker is done waiting around
John Walker and Lemar Hoskins (Cle Bennett) find Sam, Bucky, and Zemo. Walker is upset that they have not found Karli yet. Sam believes Karli can be talked down versus going in, guns blazing. She is vulnerable. Walker does not agree and questions Bucky as to how he could let his “partner” go in to talk to a dangerous person alone. Bucky defends Sam, but then says he isn’t his “partner.” Bucky trusts that Sam knows what he is doing. However, Walker’s patience is wearing thin.

Sam used to work with soldiers that were dealing with trauma. He has the knowledge and ability to speak to people in a way the others do not. However, Walker still does not trust that it will work. He questions Sam’s abilities saying that, basically, he knows soldiers cannot be talked down. Then, Hoskins tells Walker it is worth a shot. Walker gives Sam ten minutes.
After the memorial, Sam is able to talk to Karli alone. The conversation seems to be going well. He can relate to her, and he knows what it’s like to feel helpless. He agrees with her, but he does not agree with people getting hurt in the process. Right as he is making headway with Karli, Walker comes charging in to arrest her. She runs away, and in the frenzy, Zemo gets away as well. Bucky chases Karli but loses sight of her.
However, Zemo finds Karli. He shoots her, and the vile containers of serum spill onto the floor. Karli gets away as Zemo smashes the serum. Then, Walker uses his shield to attack Zemo once he finds him. The camera pans over to one vile of serum, untouched. Walker, with his head tilted and eyes fixed on the blue liquid, picks it up and puts it in his pocket.
Zemo and Karli are making things difficult
Back at the hotel, Zemo asks Sam if he was ever offered the serum and if he would ever take it if offered. With zero hesitation, Sam says no. That says a lot about his character. Sam does not feel the need to change who he is, genetically, to be good at what he does. As Bucky enters the room, he says something feels off about Walker. We can all safely say that Bucky has the right feelings.
Right after he mentions that, Walker busts in and orders Zemo be turned over. Sam defends him and lets Walker know that he ruined the conversation he had with Karli. Walker threatens to fight him and laughs about it. He’s made to eat his words as the Dora Milaje enters the room. The Dora Milaje are also there for Zemo. Sam makes a comment that Walker should probably fight Bucky before he fights this group of trained Wakandan warriors. They end up fighting, and Sam and Bucky just watch. Sam leans over and says, “We should do something” as they continue to sarcastically cheer on Walker. Bucky wants Ayo to talk about things, but talking is not happening. Zemo then slips away, again.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ends with a shocking cliffhanger
Walker’s pride is broken. He was beaten, again, but this time not by super soldiers. He and Hoskins talk about the serum. Hoskins says he would take the serum in a heartbeat if he had the chance. The contrast between his quick “yes” and Sam’s quick “no” is incredible. Both Lemar and Sam have served in the military. Both of them have served by “Captain America’s” side. It is astounding how different these two are.
Next, Karli threatens Sam’s sister as leverage. She tells Sam they need to meet alone, only Bucky will not let him go alone this time. Sharon then found that Walker is on his way, and now they have bigger problems. Walker and Hoskins come in hot, and shots are fired. Lemar has been shot and taken by the super soldiers. Walker comes face to face with one as he looks for Lemar. As the fight happens, we see Walker bend a pipe like it was nothing. Looks like he took the serum. He was desperate to win a fight and to do things his way. Desperation is not a good color on anyone.
Lemar tries to escape. Sam and Bucky fight more soldiers alongside Walker as they look for Lemar. Sam and Bucky are fighting for defense, where Walker seems to be fighting to kill. Karli ends up killing Lemar, and this pushes Walker over the edge.

With the serum running through his veins, Walker chases down Karli. He ends up jumping out of the window and finding her friend. In the middle of the street, with a lot of people watching and recording with their phones, Walker brutally murders him with the shield. The shield that is meant to be a symbol of hope and strength is now dripping with blood in front of the whole world.
Reactions to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode four
There is no doubt this was a really intense episode. The introduction scene was heartbreaking and beautiful. It gave us a better understanding of how betrayed Ayo feels that Bucky would free Zemo. Sam trying his best to talk to versus fight Karli throughout the episode is the true spirit of Captain America. However, he chose not to take on that mantle. He still carries the virtues Steve stood for. Now, the desperation is so evident in Walker. Walker went so far as to take the serum and still failed his mission. Sam and Bucky, the best friends of Steve Rogers, now have to watch the shield be forever tainted. The sheer horror on their faces as Walker defaces the shield is devastating.
I love how #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier has all of these subtle moments that prove why Steve chose to give Sam the shield.
He’s just a “Good Man” fighting for what’s right….for everyone.
— JB
| Mahdi of Chaos (@jbxclusive) April 9, 2021
#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier tfatws spoilers
bucky watching john walker get his ass beat is my new favorite thing— colleen♡’s gwen (@fearIessbIack) April 9, 2021
And that’s how Captain America died. That shield just lost all its significance.— Rach (@irwinsxcloud) April 9, 2021
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