Alright Critters, it’s time to get excited about The Legend of Vox Machina season 2! We interviewed Travis Willingham, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, and Matthew Mercer about the highly anticipated second season!
“The Legend of Vox Machina” Season 2 Cast Interviews
Travis Willingham (Grog Strongjaw), Taliesin Jaffe (Percy De Rolo III), Ashley Johnson (Pike Trickfoot), and Matthew Mercer (Umbrasyl and others) spoke to us about the upcoming season, what their characters have learned from season one to now and their excitement for the show!
The new season of “The Legend of Vox Machina”
Each episode of “The Legend of Vox Machina” will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. This season introduces new characters, stunning imagery, and storylines that leave you wanting more.

The first episode picks up directly after the end of the season with the dragon attack. It’s a horrifying scene as our heroes scramble to escape with their lives. The great city of Emon falls under the control of four ancient chromatic dragons that call themselves the Chroma Conclave. One dragon is bad enough, but four actively working together? It could spell the end of civilization in Tal’Dorei as we know it.
As newly decreed ‘Protectors of the Realm’ Vox Machina feels the responsibility to take on the dragons. This season sees them struggle with the pressure that entails as the Chroma Conclave start to slowly amass more power. It’s no easy feat, but as Vox Machina begin their journey to gather allies and artifacts, we see that even dragons are fallible and that there is hope after all.

For people who have watched the first campaign, there are nods to it throughout the series and perhaps a few to future campaigns as well. For those new to the series, you’re in for one hell of an adventure!
The Legend of Vox Machina season 2 will premiere on January 20th on Prime Video with all other episodes dropping on Friday in three episode blocks!