The Mandalorian

Star Wars The Mandalorian: Episode 1 Spoiler Free Review

The Mandalorian: A Mysterious Man in a Mysterious Land

The Good

Well, its finally here! Disney+ released to the world this morning with it comes the majority of Disney’s lineup.  The Mandalorian is one such offering.  And it looks like we could be in for something special.

The opening scene should look familiar to anyone who watched promotional material for The Mandalorian.  The entire scene takes place in or around a nondescript cantina in the outer rim of space.  The Mandalorian is looking for a bounty, and he’s not the only one hunting.

Throughout the first episode they do a great job of setting up the Mandalorian’s world for the remaining episodes. With that said, there are still a few twists and many Easter eggs for fans to find. For fans young and old, The Mandalorian is the most “Star Wars” experience released since the Original Trilogy.  Even those unfamiliar with the Star Wars universe could find the space-western aesthetic interesting enough to stick around for future episodes.  Fortunately there’s enough here to keep you coming back next week.

The Bad

While I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, my biggest complaint would be the length.  Clocking in at a little over 40 minutes, the worst criticism I can submit is the episode is too short.  That said, it’s nice to want more of something and that be the biggest gripe. I would have liked to see more location descriptions and some of the supporting characters could use a little backstory, but I have a feeling these things will come to pass as the season progresses.

The Droids You are Looking For

Droids are as much a part of the Star Wars universe as the Force. Taika Waititi has shown great comedic timing in other projects, and it’s nice to see the droid play it straight and still be humorous. Droids are sighted throughout the episode and are sure to catch the eye of the would-be Easter egg hunter.


The following is a list of Mandalorian-specific lore revealed during the episode. You have been warned.

  • The idea of Mandalorians piecing together their armor is an Expanded Universe (EU) idea. Mandos often took pieces of armor from the dead or earned armor through battle. This assortment of unmatched armor creates a unique look for each Mandalorian. Their armor tells a tale of it’s own, and it’s great to see that addition to the Star Wars canon.
  •  The Bounty Hunters Guild was something from the EU and the Old Republic games that has now made it’s way to canon. The Guild is where bounty hunters from all over the galaxy go to receive and cash in their bounties. Being a member comes with certain perks as well as the expectation to live by a professional code.
  • Mandalorians lived in a warrior caste system. To die in battle was one of the most honorable ways to die in their culture. And to be a part of their culture was to be a warrior.
  • Beskar, the metal of choice for Mando armor, makes it’s debut in a big way. Beskar is unique in that it can withstand blaster bolts and most importantly is resistant to lightsabers.



  • Stacy dabbles in the dark side of the force and uses science to teach students to be Batman. When not speaking science he is scouring the internet for information that will probably spoil his favorite movie before it comes out. Little happens in the respective worlds of Star Wars or Batman that he is not aware of. And Han shot first.

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Stacy Bishop

Stacy dabbles in the dark side of the force and uses science to teach students to be Batman. When not speaking science he is scouring the internet for information that will probably spoil his favorite movie before it comes out. Little happens in the respective worlds of Star Wars or Batman that he is not aware of. And Han shot first.

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