Anime has risen in popularity over the last few years, and within the anime community exists a variety of fans. A lot of fans choose to read the manga as well as watch the anime, and other fans choose to only watch the anime. Both are great ways to enjoy these stories. However, fans should be mindful about the way opinions and criticisms of the manga vs. anime argument are presented in online spaces.
Manga vs. Anime
It is completely understandable, as a manga reader, to want a panel-for-panel remake in an anime series. Fans who read their favorite stories in manga form get excited about the possibility of seeing certain panels and moments animated on screen. Unfortunately, this is not always going to happen.
When a new season of an anime airs, fans sometimes find themselves upset that certain panels were not animated. They believe that, by leaving these scenes out, the anime loses a lot of the story and character development. These criticisms are valid and understandable, but when we look at the anime industry itself, we have to remember that animation studios do not have the ability to give us a panel-for-panel remake of exactly what happens in the manga.
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Scenes get moved around, dialogue gets cut, moments are left out, animators take creative liberties, and it all happens for a reason; Animation studios have limitations. There is a budget for every show, each episode can only be so long, and each season is given a specific amount of episodes with which the animators can work. So, unfortunately, there is a lot that will end up being removed from the story when it is finalized for the anime. Fans will not be able to experience every moment that happens in the manga on screen.
Criticism and Opinions
As much as we would love to watch every manga panel come to life in animated form, it is just not possible. When we go into online spaces and promote a negative outlook on a series, it has the potential to change the dynamic of the fandom. Manga readers are completely justified in their criticisms and opinions of how a series is portrayed. However, being overly negative does a disservice for everyone, especially for those fans who are anime watchers only. A lot of fans enjoy these shows for what the animation studios provide.
It is best to be mindful of how opinions and criticisms in the manga vs. anime argument are presented because they could have an impact on the fandom as a whole. If someone prefers the manga, then that is absolutely fair. Continue to support the manga creators by diving into their written stories. There should also be space for fans who are anime watchers to enjoy the anime the way that it is.
Let’s continue to keep the anime community a fun and exciting place for fans of all types.