The State of Gaming – Retro Rebel Podcast

In this episode of the Retro Rebel podcast, we catch up on what we’ve been playing the first few months of 2023 and the state of gaming.

Retro Rebel Podcast is hosted by Amanda Fox and Stacy Bishop. Each week they take a deep dive into the gaming industry and discuss news stories and the current games they are playing as well as the topic of the week. Do you like this episode? Wanna complain about something we got wrong? Let us know what you think by dropping a comment below or emailing us at We really want to hear your opinions!

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava

 State of Gaming Recap

In this episode of the Retro Rebel podcast, we catch up on what we’ve been playing the first few months of 2023 and the state of gaming.

Zelda sells 10 m copies in 3 days

Hogwarts trans backlash

Metaverse is dead

Overwatch 2 PvE progression canceled

Diablo 4 server slam – graphics struggle on xbox one

Mario movie redemption

D&D movie redemption

What we’re playing

Amanda – I’ve been playing a lot of bits and pieces for Rogue Rebel over the last few months but just today I played Citizen Sleeper – It’s a text-based RPG/Survival Sim where you’re a robot trying to salvage scrap and live your life on a hunk of metal in the stars.

Stacey – I played Hogwarts & finished it. One thing I found was that it had enjoyable side quests – like they were just as good as the main quests. It was really well done for a game from a studio without much pedigree. I also enjoyed Jedi: Survivor – it improved a lot from the previous entries in the franchise. It does crash a lot, unfortunately, at least 10 times in 23 or so hours. Zelda is also on deck.

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Stacy dabbles in the dark side of the force and uses science to teach students to be Batman. When not speaking science he is scouring the internet for information that will probably spoil his favorite movie before it comes out. Little happens in the respective worlds of Star Wars or Batman that he is not aware of. And Han shot first.

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