The Weekly Pull – Top Picks For Week Of 11/30/2018

New Comic Issues are out. It’s a pretty sweet time to be a comic book fan right now. The X-Men have a new series. There’s a new amazing series by Vertigo called Border Town that you REALLY need to read. On top of all of that, we have several new Spider-Men and Women. So what are the coolest new comic issues this week? Let’s find out now.

Border Town

Mixed with Latin American mythology and social commentary, Border Town is set in both a border town between Mexico and the United States and also the border between two dimensions. The cast of characters is as colorful and vibrant as the art. The social commentary brought within the pages is thought-provoking and insightful. This series also lends different perspectives from various points of views.

The creative team of Eric M. Esquivel, Ramon Villalobos, and Tamra Bonvillain bring you this amazing new series from the DC imprint Vertigo. There’s tons of culture and awesomeness found in this comic and you’d be doing yourself a great favor to check it out. Without going into any spoilers, this series gets started right away. The first story arc is called Bienvenidos a Hell (Welcome to Hell). If you are into mythology and want to expand your knowledge of cultures, read Border Town.


Uncanny X-Men

This writer’s favorite team of heroes is back in a new weekly series. This series strangely picked up where the Multiple Man limited series left off. I know! Who saw that coming! Being totally honest here, unless you’re a huge X-Men fan, this series may not be for you. It starts off with a lot of action, however, it starts off with a very familiar X-Men storyline trope. You’ve definitely seen this movie before and Jubilee brings it up in the issue as well. However, there is more to it than that as X-Men characters new and old are brought into the fold in this ever-expanding story.

This first arc is called X-Men: Disassembled. In comic issue terms, that means that a lot of the X-Men are going away and a new team is being brought into the light. The journey is what we’re trying to be excited about since we already know the destination. Marvel brings us this series with the creative team of Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg & Kelly Thompson as writers. Mahmud Asrar on pencils and Rachelle Rosenberg on colors. For those die-hard X-Men fans, get in on this series. The memories alone are worth the price of admission.


The Spider-People and Pigs and Monkeys are back in this limited series event. The sequel to Spider-Verse brings back all of your favorite various spiders and even more for the return of the Inheritors. This time though, not all of the spiders are on the same page and some backstabbing is going on. One thing is for sure though, this comic issue lets us know one major fact SPIDER-COP IS CANON!!!!

Dan Slot brings us this awesome story alongside Christos Cage, Jorge Molina, Carlo Barberi, and David Curiel. Spider-Geddon may be the Spider Civil War that we’ve all been waiting for and I’m all buckled up for the ride. Come and join me.


  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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