WonderCon to Introduce Exclusive Portals for Signings

This just in from the organizers of WonderCon, for this year’s event in Anaheim, attendees to the convention will now no longer need to wait in lines super early in the morning for exclusive signings at WonderCon. Now with exclusive portals on the ComicCon website, you can register from the comfort of your own home or on your smart phone for a spot in line for the signing of your choice.

The decision for this comes from years of complaints from people who attend events for the signings yet the lines were too long for them to get an autograph. Speaking as someone who regularly attends cons, these lines are serious! So when I first heard of this new way to get a spot for a signing, I was happy to hear that a newer solution was being put in order and that WonderCon was going to be the test zone in order to prepare for San Diego Comic Con, the big one.

In order to get yourself registered for the exclusive portals, you’ll need to already have your WonderCon badge and you’ll have access to the exclusive portal. The deadline to express interest in the exclusive portal is 10:00AM PST, March 14, 2018. You’ll have to have already have your badge purchased before this time in order to get access to the exclusive portal.

The downside to this is that, naturally, there will be more people interested in exclusive signings than there will be available spots for signings. The selection process is random and those who are selected will be notified via email on or around March 19, 2018. For those who go through the gauntlet that is the badge process for SDCC, yes, it’s pretty much the luck of the draw in that vain but with less of a headache since you don’t have to wait for a lobby to open and nearly have a heart attack of you don’t move fast enough. Again, this is the first time they’re trying this out so I’m assuming that with time this process will improve. However, this does give everyone an equal chance at getting in for those exclusive signings if that’s what you’re into. So for all of you out there waiting for WonderCon in the next coming weeks, whatever you go to cons for be it Cosplay, signings, panels and etc, hopefully you’ll have a great time and I’ll see you there!!!

You can get your badge for WonderCon at the Comic Con website, www.comic-con.org


Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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