The episode “Employee of the Bearimy” starts off with our “not a girl” good Janet stuck in the bad place jail where she was kidnapped. Vicky, in a Michael suit, is trying to annoy her. Janet is totally right though, they’re not channeling Michael very well, which is odd because it’s literally Ted Danson. It must be weird playing your character, but at the same time…not playing your character.
We are now back with our boys, REAL Michael and Jason, on their trip to the Bad Place to rescue Janet. Michael restores Jason’s memories from all the reboots, but it does not affect Jason the way it affected Eleanor. With Eleanor, it made all of her hair fall out, but with Jason, it didn’t. I am not sure what that says about Jason, to be honest.
We learn that in the Medium Place, Bad Janet is tied up at Mindy’s house. We also get one of my absolute favorite interactions ever on the show. Tahani sarcastically asks Eleanor: “What am I? Welsh?” and Eleanor is confused and doesn’t know the answer. As a British person, I find that genuinely hilarious, because in my experience of Americans, they think “British” literally just means English. They don’t realize that Scotland, Wales and Ireland are part of the UK too. So Eleanor not even knowing where Tahani is from really tickles me.
In the Bad Place, the real Michael and Jason are looking at the employees of the month, where they see a rather dashing photo of Michael. Michael looks back at his time as a real demon rather sadly, which is understandable. Poor Michael, I can imagine he’s living with a lot of guilt now that he understands and likes humans.

With Janet gone, Derek is not handling the “humans” very well. They’re all malfunctioning and making odd noises and putting cake on each other’s faces. It was essentially an ERROR 404 BRAINS NOT FOUND moment. Eleanor and Tahani try very hard to distract Chidi so he doesn’t see what’s going on outside. If Chidi saw all this chaos, then it could ruin the experiment and they would have to start all over. Eleanor and Chidi have a little “do you trust me” moment and basically at this point everyone screams at the TV saying “KISSSSSSS.” Just me? fine.
In the Bad Place again, we’re at Demon Con, which is a convention for demons, if that name didn’t give that away. Shawn assumes that Michael is actually fake Michael, and he rolls with it to try and get back Janet. Michael brings Jason on stage and pretends it’s Glenn in a demon suit. Jason tells Janet everything he wants to tell her, and Janet catches on that he’s ACTUALLY Jason. Nobody can pretend to be someone like Jason and actually pull it off, he’s too…. Jason. Janet pretends she doesn’t realize though to not give real Michael and Jason away to the demons. It’s at this point, though, that fake Michael also appears. Michael uses the demon exploder on the security and tries to convince the demons that humans are awesome. Michael explodes Vicky, and he and Jason run off with the real Janet. Success!
Eleanor sees Simone and Chidi kiss and internally screams (same). Tahani and Eleanor have a much-needed heart to heart, which is adorable, and that essentially ends the episode. Overall, as always I really enjoyed that episode. I thought Eleanor and Tahani’s friendship was adorable. Seeing Simone and Chidi kiss hurt me in imaginable ways however so the writer can definitely fight me because of that. Now before I finish this review, I have just got to say: FOOOOLLLEEEEEEESSSS!!!