Temple of Geek hosted a Sk8 the Infinity cosplay meetup during the first-ever Anime Riverside at the Riverside Convention Center. Sk8 the Infinity is a relatively new anime that follows a second-year high school student named Reki Kyan and his love for skateboarding. Reki meets Langa Hasegawa, a transfer student, and teaches him how much fun skateboarding is. Together they spend their evenings with their friends at a secret skateboard event called “S,” in an abandoned mine, where there are no rules.
Sk8 the Infinity Cosplay Meetup
Anime Riverside
Anime Riverside is a convention put on by NERDBOT. NERDBOT also hosts Anime Pasadena. This year is the first time Anime Riverside has happened. In Riverside, California, the Downtown area surrounding the Riverside Convention Center was turned into an exciting anime convention space on June 4th and 5th. Outside, there were carnival rides, food trucks, and a concert stage. Inside, the convention offered karaoke, a full artist alley, a variety of voice actor guests, and vendors. Anime Riverside also offered a gaming lounge with gaming competitions. Also, there was a free after-party for attendees on Saturday.
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