A Chip Driver Mystery: The Good Place Season 4 Episode 6 Review

The episode “A Chip Driver Mystery” starts off with Michael in Good Janet’s void, where he has been keeping Bad Janet captive. Michael starts telling Bad Janet a story, and she does not seem interested in the slightest.

The story starts with the humans on a ski trip wearing ADORABLE skiing outfits. The soul squad discusses how Brent has somewhat improved. Also, Eleanor is the hottest savior of the week (I agree).

THE GOOD PLACE — “A Chip Driver Mystery” Episode 406 — Pictured: Kristen Bell as Eleanor Shellstrop — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

Brent discusses with Chidi and Simone that he has written a bizarre book, and he is having a book signing party. The book’s love interest is named “Scarlet Pakistan” and is obviously based on Tahani…. even though she is not even from Pakistan. His book also called Queen Elizabeth old and gross, so that personally offended me. Leave Lizzy out of this, you mean old fart. The Queen actually waved at me once, that basically means we’re best friends, so it’s my duty to defend her.

Brent’s book described Chidi as boring which really got to him, so he discusses with Jason about ways he can be more spontaneous. He and Jason have a dance moment to his song “MAKE THE BOOTY BOUNCE IN THE BACK” which is definitely the song of the decade. However, John sees Jason and Chidi doing this and obviously realises that Jason isn’t actually a monk. Jason comes clean and tells him that he’s actually Jason Mendoza from Jacksonville Florida and not a monk.

THE GOOD PLACE — “A Chip Driver Mystery” Episode 406 — Pictured: (l-r) Manny Jacinto as Jason, William Jackson Harper as Chidi Anagonye — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

John agrees to keep this a secret if Jason teaches him the dance from Magic Mike. Fair enough, live your best afterlife, John!

Back to Bad Janet and Michael. Bad Janet tells Michael about the bad things happening on earth, such as suburban mums in $400 yoga leggings not vaccinating their children. EVEN BAD JANET KNOWS TO VACCINATE. Please, if you want to go to the Good Place… place vaccinate your vagina demons, yours sincerely, literally everyone with sense. Bad Janet tells Michael that humans are bad to the bone. She thinks they are not worth the effort that he is going through.

At Brent’s book event, Simone roasts him (could we expect any less?). He gets annoyed and cancelled the entire event, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. Michael tries to explain to him that he needs to take responsibility for his actions and say sorry to the people he offended. He pulls the typical white guy move of saying “sorry if you were offended but I didn’t actually do anything wrong” grrrrrrr. Can he just leave already???? Brent calls Simone a condescending bench and then tries to fight Chidi which CROSSES A LINE.

THE GOOD PLACE — “A Chip Driver Mystery” Episode 406 — Pictured: (l-r) Manny Jacinto as Jason, Kristen Bell as Eleanor Shellstrop, Jameela Jamil as Tahani Al-Jamil, William Jackson Harper as Chidi Anagonye, Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Simone Garnett — (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC)

Bad Janet calls out baby boomers. (I can’t wait to show this episode to my mum to see her reaction to that line). Michael tells Bad Janet that what matters is not whether people are good or bad, but whether they are trying to be better than they were yesterday. Honestly I really love that line. In series 3 we learn, how hard it is to be “a good person” when even our good intentions have horrible consequences. So, Michael saying that is really important. He has definitely learnt from his experiences on Earth. Life is not just black or white, there’s like 50 shades of grey in between black and white. As long as you’re trying to be good in an otherwise dark world, I think that’s what matters.

Finally, Michael lets Bad Janet go free as a way of being better today than he was yesterday. (Is anyone else crying?) Michael gives Bad Janet the manifesto of everything that has happened with the humans to try and educate her on  morals. He hopes that she will see what the fork he’s talking about. Let’s hope it actually works.

That’s how the episode ends. I absolutely adored that episode. In my opinion, it’s one of the best ever. I really hope that Bad Janet becomes a better person. It would really turn the whole show full circle. It would prove that even people with “Bad” literally IN THEIR NAME can become good. That would really make a point to the judge. Stay tuned for the next episode review!



Edited by Maddie Morrow



  • Katie Welch

    Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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Katie Welch

Hi! My name is Katie, but you can call me Kat! I specialise in all things nerdy. I am a cosplayer and collector and a massive cat person!

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