Artist Interview with Girls Drawin’ Girls…

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We spoke with Melody Severns about her artist collective known as Girls Drawin’ Girls. Since it’s inception the group has grown to over 200 members and is a must see at all Cons they attend.  They also hold themed events in Southern California and possibly more in the future.  Let’s catch up with Melody and Girls Drawin’ Girls…
You started Girls Drawin Girls in 2006 to showcase female artists in a male dominated industry, have things improved since then?   
Things are gradually improving.  I have met and worked with a lot of very strong women who are determined to be the change that the industry needs and I have absolute faith in them.  My previous project that I worked on, “Paradise PD”, had a female supervising director, as well as a female episodic director who were both amazing.  It was also a breath of fresh air to be working on an animated adult comedy with women taking the reigns.  It also counteracts a stereotype that women can’t do comedy.  I’ve known the complete opposite.  I work with and know a lot of highly talented, creative and funny women.  I think that there’s been strides, but there’s definitely more work to do.  I want the entertainment industry itself to recognize and hire more women in leadership roles, especially women of color.  If we all band together, there’s nothing we can’t do.  That’s one of my main goals with GirlsDrawinGirls: to empower and elevate.

Was there a backlash from males that were threatened by what you were doing?
We get a little snide comment here or there, but mostly I’ve been met with support from other men in the industry and men in general.  I am very lucky to have a lot of wonderful men in my life that I have met in animation that are friends and supporters.  The worst I’ve ever experienced was going into a job interview one time in a room full of men where they told me that GirlsDrawinGirls wasn’t needed anymore because they know a couple of women directors.  The fact that they felt entitled to tell me as a woman that GDG doesn’t matter is exactly why we need it!  We can’t let anyone marginalize our experiences.  That was just one isolated incident, though.  I’ve been very lucky to have a lot of good male role models and mentors.
Has the current political climate brought any new challenges to the group?
If anything, I think the current political climate, even though it is very volatile is open to change in a way.  We are viewing ourselves and our actions differently and hopefully we are learning from what we have done wrong and how we’ve treated others in the past.  It’s a very tremulous time, but I think people are more receptive to at least listening about inclusivity.  Listening isn’t enough, however.  The fight is not over and we cannot grow tired, there’s still so much work to do.
When you first started Girls Drawin Girls did you think it would grow into what it is now?  What other goals do you want the group to hit?
I had no idea.  I was only 23 years old and thought it would be fun to get a little art collective going, do an art show, and make a book.  We had only 18 members then, and they were all local.  I had no idea that it would become an international organization with over 200 members!  Little 23 year old me would have had no clue what to do with that!  As the group evolved, I was forced to evolve with it.  I went to art school, I never learned about business, let alone the business side of art.  I’ve had to learn from experience.  That’s one thing I think definitely needs to be taught more to art majors.  The business side of art.
Girls Drawin Girls has a huge talented roster, what’s the best way for a new artist to get involved?
We open up new membership every year in the fall.  We look for 3 samples of your work that showcase your style, knowledge of anatomy, and structure.  If anyone is interested, please be on the lookout for more updates on our website and join us!
What advice would you give to new artists? 
One of the biggest pieces of advice is to be STRONG and stick with it!  Take criticism well!  Nobody is perfect and I definitely would prefer to work with someone who is easy to work with and eager to improve as opposed to someone who is very talented, but has a huge ego and bad attitude.  Be helpful to others in your position too!  A little kindness goes a long way.
We just missed out on your Speakeasy event, are there any other themed events in the works? Any plans to take the show on the road?
We work a lot with The Pinup Pole Show which usually has shows at the Federal Bar in North Hollywood and Long Beach, and we may soon be working with them for an event in San Luis Obispo too!  I have also been talking to our Midwest members about cons out there in the not too distant future.  We are an international organization, so I am always scoping out ways to showcase our international members.  Who knows, maybe we will have another international show soon…Stay tuned!  (*winky eye face*). 
Everyone should check out your Etsy shop, currently my personal favorite is the F–k It Kitty by Shannon O’Connor… any personal favorites?
Oh, I love Shannon O’Connor and her Fuck It Kitty.  That’s a fave of mine as well!  I think other than that, our tarot card deck is my favorite.  It is so beautifully done and showcases so many of our artists!  Not to mention it has lovely golden edges.  I’m going to give a shout out to Cleveland GDG artist, Kelsey Lynn Cretcher who headed up that project.  She did an amazing job.  I would also suggest getting a deck soon before we are all sold out!
Any chance you’ll go back to roller derby?  
Oh man, I think that ship has sailed.  I miss skating, but getting pummeled is a lot harder to recover from at 35 than it was in my 20’s.  I’ve met some of my closest friends through roller derby, so it’s never entirely out of my life.  I have a deep fondness for that time.  It was fun, and I could eat so much pizza and drink beer and still be in awesome shape.  Fitness is still part of my life, but it’s now more about yoga and hiking.  I am part of the SoCal Hiking Group, so now I destroy my body with 17 mile hikes up mountains instead of slamming into other women at high speeds.  Still challenging, but a lot less bruising!

What’s next for Girls Drawin’ Girls?
There’s always something new for GDG.  I’m focusing now on more international markets for us and expanding our audience as well as getting out a Vol. 5 book by next year.  We will always have conventions and art shows and we will always try to empower and inspire and show off our T&A (talent and ambition).

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