An Artist Unleashed: An Interview With The Ninjabot

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The Ninjabot is a site founded around the are of Arnel Baluyot. Arnel Baluyot is a Portland based illustrator, producing works from fandoms such as Star Wars, Marvel, and Jurassic Park. This year The Ninjabot will be set up at SDCC in the Small Press area. The extremely talented Arnel answered some of our questions about art, inspirations, and SDCC.


JR:How did you get started in art?
Arnel: I’ve been drawing since I was 9. I was watching a friend of mine who was a talented artist draw
Wolverine’s arm and the art bug bit me then and there.


JR:How long have you been doing art?
Arnel: All my life it seems. I have been doing art professionally for about 7 years now though.

JR:What is something you love about San Diego Comic-con?
Arnel: I love the craziness of it all! Hundreds of thousands of people coming together to celebrate their
respective fandoms and interests. It’s a beautiful thing to witness. Particularly it’s also a great chance to meet fellow illustrators and perhaps to a little bit of learning.
JR:What art themes do you tend to pursue?
Arnel: I love doing work that tells a story, however more specifically, telling a story with a very economic use of
imagery. I like allowing people to fill in some of the gaps in their minds.

JR:What memorable responses have you had to your work?
Arnel: It’s always pretty exciting when people get tattoos of my work. To thing someone enjoys the work so much as to have permanently put on their bodies is very flattering.
JR:What is an artist you’d like to be compared to?
Arnel: Oh my gosh! That is a big question. I look up to so many artists.

JR:What are you trying to communicate with your art?
Arnel: I really just enjoy producing beauty as best as I can, or at least my perception of beauty.
JR:What’s your favorite medium to work in?
Arnel: Although I’ve always loved painting with watercolor, I’ve recently started producing art on my iPad Pro using an app called Procreate and it’s just been so freeing.

JR:What’s your favorite superhero and why?
Arnel: Superman. It’s always been big blue. He represents hope to me, and the goal of being a better person
towards my fellow man.


JR:Who is someone who has influenced your art and why?
Arnel: My wife. I am continually becoming a better artist because of her. She is able to push me further and at
the same time inspires me with her insights into things. She has been an amazing collaborator.

JR:If you had to choose between bringing the world of your favorite tv show to life, or being part of your favorite tv world, which would you choose?
Arnel: Because I recently started watching the latest BBC production of The Musketeers, I really started getting into that right now and would love to be a part of it. I’ve always enjoyed the swashbuckling adventure genre!
JR:What does art mean to you?
Arnel: No doubt it’s my calling. I can honestly say that I’m not remotely good at anything else as I am producing art. 😀


The Ninjabot will be set up at Small Press booth L-08. Be sure to visit them and check out some of Arnel’s amazing art. To learn more about The Ninjabot check them at their social media handles,



Instagram: @theninjabot



And as always,

Have a geek filled day!


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