Cast and Fans of “Supernatural” say goodbye and #ThankYouSupernatural

#ThankYouSupernatural is trending right now. September 10th, 2020 was a special day for the Supernatural cast. It was a special day not only for actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles but for everyone that worked with them, in front and behind the cameras of The CW Network. It was also memorable for millions of fans around the world who took this journey with them. A journey that, despite ups and downs, and despite canceling-plans, lasted 15 seasons and 327 episodes. Yesterday was the final day of filming for SUPERNATURAL.

“Saving lives, hunting things, the family business” – The Winchester’s motto

Supernatural Dean and Sam Winchester promo picture
Dean and Sam Winchester in the early times of SUPERNATURAL (picture with courtesy of the CW Network)

SUPERNATURAL was created by Eric Kripke and tells the story of two brothers, Sam (portrayed by Jared) and Dean Winchester (portrayed by Jensen). They travel across America to investigate paranormal (aka supernatural) events, hunt down monsters like vampires or werewolves, try to solve mysterious deaths, and have to deal with both, heavenly and demonic creatures. The two brothers continue what their father has started and thought them since they were little. After he disappears, it is his black 1967 Chevy Impala (tenderly called named “Baby” by the brothers) they drive through the country to find him and to go about the “the family business”.

The hardest goodbye

The final day of filming would initially have been in March already. Due to Covid-19, the CW had to postpone filming ad post-production for several months due. Postponed is not canceled, and so the team came back in late summer to finish the series.

Over the last week, actors and crew expressed their farewell feelings on Social Media. And it is touching. I may not be as long in the SUPERNATURAL fandom as most of the fans, but those few months have been enough time to sear that show and those boys into my heart.

Jared posted a picture on Instagram on his way to set to express his feelings. His teared-filled eyes along with the caption immediately caused a lump in my throat and I admit, I was close to tears myself.

Jared Padalecki thumbs up tears in his eyes driving to the last day of filming of Supernatural
Picture of Jared Padalecki on Instagram, posted September 10th.


His “big brother ” Jensen posted a video of him on Instagram last week which had the same effect on me.

Jensen Ackles showing his script of Supernatural last episode season finale
Video of Jensen Ackles on Instagram, posted on August 29th.

In the video, Jensen is saying: “So last night we completed 326 episodes of SUPERNATURAL. At the very end of every one of those scripts are three words: to be continued. Today we started Episode number 327, and at the very bottom of the very last page of this script, there are only two words.” He holds up his script to show the words written: THE END. The End. This is final, it is inevitable, because (sorry to switch fandoms here) once you read it, you can’t change it.

Cast and Crew

Also, actors Misha Collins, who played angel Castiel and was a long time companion to the Winchesters, Jim Beaver, whose character Bobby was like a father figure to the boys, and creator Eric Ripke (The Boys), share their thoughts on Twitter.

Jim Beaver says goodbye to Supernatural in Twitter post
Posted by Jim Beaver on Twitter, posted September 10th.
Post of Misha Collins on Twitter, posted September 10th.
creator eric ripke saying goodbye to Supernatural
Post of Eric Ripke on Twitter, posted September 10th.


Overview of Instagram posts of many fans of Supernatural

Using the hashtag #thankyousupernatural not only those involved in making the show in one way or another say their goodbyes to SUPERNATURAL. There are new entries across all Social Media platforms every minute, as fans express their feelings through pictures of meeting the cast, collages, fanart, and words.

Going through these posts and videos proves how may people have been touched by this TV phenomenon.

It will be been more intense after the final episode has aired.

Posts of Fans of SUPERNATURAL, using the hashtag #thankyousupernatural, on Instagram (September 11th)

Carry on my Wayward Son…

Traditionally, the season finales start off with scenes recapping the past season, musically accompanied by the song “Carry on Wayward Son“. The song from Kansas soon became the anthem of the fandom. Moreover, it was a big part of episode 200, that saluted the fans of the show. In “Fan Fiction” (Season 10, Episode 5) the brothers investigate at a school that played a musical based on their lives.

On October 8th the first of the remaining seven episodes will premiere. The final episode will be released on November 19th. It will be the last time a finale will be introduced by the so well known lines:

Carry on my wayward son
For there’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more…

We’ll have to wait until the finale is released to see whether Sam and Dean can finally find peace (together) and if they can finally rest. But one thing is certain: the last line is something that will not happen. Tears will fall, on-screen, and in front of it.

Sam and Dean Winchster with their impala
#thankyousupernatural (picture with courtesy of  the CW Network)


Corinna has no fashion sense of her own and steals her clothing-ideas from Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, and Sabrina Spellman. Her passion is photography, to draw and to paint, and she loves to get inspired by fan-art from different fandoms. Her Kryptonite is Doctor Who, Harry Potter, LOTR, The Expanse, CAOS, and too many other geeky things.

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One thought on “Cast and Fans of “Supernatural” say goodbye and #ThankYouSupernatural

  1. I’ve been with supernatural from day one. No matter what channel change or day change I was all ways there, week after week & year after year. I love you guys. The Winchester Brothers and the entire cast made Supernatural the best show ever. Nothing on T.V. to watch anymore. I cry because I loved you. I cry because I’ll miss. I cry because I know you have to go. The best of all things to all of you. Peace & Love God Bless

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