A word of warning: the following is a recap of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina part 1 and will contain spoilers. So if you have not watched it by now, you either go over to Netflix right now or you’ll get spoilers reading from this point on.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is a Netflix original television series. It debuted on Netflix in October 2018. The show is based on the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina graphic novels by Archie Comics.
The chilling adventures of this show take place in a small town named Greendale, where the orphaned 15-year-old Sabrina Spellman (Kiernan Shipka) lives together with her aunts Hilda (Lucy Davis) and Zelda (Miranda Otto) and her cousin Ambrose (Chance Perdomo), who’s been on house arrest for 75 years. She attends Baxter High School and is very much in love with her first boyfriend Harvey Kinkle (Ross Lynch). Together with her best friends Rosalind “Roz” Walker (Jaz Sinclair) and Suzie Putman (Lachlan Watson) the couple spends its time in cinemas and cafés after school.

What her best friends are not aware of is that Sabrina is not a normal teenager like them but a half-witch. She is daughter to Edward and Diana Spellman, who were her warlock father and a human mother. They died in a plane crash years ago. She is raised by her aunts, who are guiding her on how to use her magical powers properly. The two sisters own a mortuary, sleep in the same room, are totally different in their personality and one kills the other frequently. But thanks to magical soil from their graveyard, Hilda always rises again from the dead and returns to her sister Zelda.

The story begins a couple of days before Halloween, Sabrina’s 16th birthday, where she has to decide between her two lives. Choosing to either live a mortal life with her friends but without her magical powers, or becoming a full-time witch and being educated at the Academy of Unseen Arts, which would mean giving up her friends forever. Like they did many hundred years ago, her aunts want Sabrina to commit herself to the Dark Lord, the one standing above all witches and warlocks. To do so she would agree to receive her Dark Baptism, an unholy ritual where she has to promise her loyalty to the Dark Lord and the Church of Night by signing her name in the Book of the Beast.
Sabrina is struggling, but only her cousin Ambrose and her favorite teacher Ms. Wardwell (a marvelous Michelle Gomez…coincidence that Gomez rhymes with Goddess? I don’t think so) take her worries seriously. Not assuming anything else than her teacher being human, Sabrina talks to her about her uncertainty on whether or not she should attend another school. She does not know at this point, that Ms. Wardwell has been killed and possessed by Madam Satan, a servant to the Dark Lord. She receives orders from him to convince Sabrina into signing the Book of the Beast.

Trying to summon a familiar that would protect her, in the woods Sabrina encounters the so-called weird sisters Prudence (Tati Gabrielle), Dorcas (Abigail Cowen) and Agatha (Adeline Rudolph). Orphans that grew up together and that are close as real sisters. And they don’t want Sabrina at their academy so they threaten her. If she won’t stay away from them, the same thing that killed her parents will kill her, making Sabrina wonder if her parent’s death wasn’t an accident after all.
After Sabrina has horrifying dreams of babies with shriveled legs like those of goats, her familiar finally reveals himself to her. It’s a black cat named Salem. She introduces him to her family the next morning. She also brings up her concerns about the Dark Baptism. She then proceeds to seek guidance from a magic tree by taking a bite from his apple. She gets a vision about witches hanging from trees and decides that she doesn’t want to be a witch.

The High Priest aka Father Blackwood (Richard Coyle), the headmaster of the School of the Unseen Art, has learned about Sabrina’s concerns regarding the Dark Baptism from her aunts. The Dark Lord also gives him orders to make sure, Sabrina sign’s the book, so Father Blackwood decides to visit her to pull away from her doubts. He does so by lying about her still having free will and that Sabrina will be able to continue her life as it is now. He seems to be successful with it as Sabrina agrees to sign her name in the Book of the Beast.

Susie has been a victim for quite a while at Baxter High. Some of the Football-players keep harassing her because she is “different” and that is something the other teenagers easily accept – or understand. Susie gets bullied and beaten up a lot for wearing androgynous clothing and having a short haircut. It finally becomes too much and Susie stands up against her bullies – and gets suspended from school. Sabrina fails to get help from the headmaster Mr. Hawthorne, so she decides to make a deal with the weird sisters. They agree to help her punish the bullies while she promises to stay away from the Academy and together they trick the four boys. This is the first time we see what Sabrina is capable of when it comes to helping the ones she loves.

Although Sabrina lied to her friends before about celebrating with her aunties on her birthday, she eventually decides to spend most of it with her friends at Roz’ Halloween party anyway and even wears her mother’s white wedding dress. She almost loses track of time and when the blood moon rises above The Walker’s house and everyone watches the eclipse, Sabrina hurries into the woods of Greendale, where the Dark Baptism is to take place. Her family and other witches and warlocks from their coven named Church of the Night (and Ms. Wardwell hiding behind a tree) have gathered to watch. When entering the location through blue flames, the wedding dress dyes magically into black, as witches should wear this color on their special day (maybe the showrunners intended to symbolize Sabrina going over to the dark side, although when Sabrina gets undressed by the High Priest she then stands in front of him in a white underdress…does not make sense to me unless it stands for that what’s now to come). When the High Priest lists what Sabrina will have to do after signing the Book of the Beast, Sabrina realizes, that she was lied to. She refuses to sign her name and flees out of the woods. That does not only disappoint her aunts but makes the High Priest and the Dark Lord himself very angry. Sabrina is getting ordered to stand trial in their court, and the Spellman sisters get punished as well. With their magical powers getting removed from them, Hilda and Zelda soon show signs of aging: wrinkles, grey hair, immobility, and Hilda loses a tooth.

Ambrose tries to help her out by telling Sabrina about a famous lawyer – human but really successful in the past as he never lost a case. Daniel Webster initially refuses to represent Sabrina at court but changes his mind for the last-minute win. Meanwhile, Madam Satan tries to discredit the lawyer by letting Sabrina find alleged evidence that the lawyer has murdered his own daughter. Turns out, that Mr. Webster had made a deal with the Dark Lord to become the greatest lawyer of all times. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord tricked him and he would only get to represent really evil people and win all their cases. And so he was responsible for allowing a really disgusting and brutal man to stay out of prison, who thanked the lawyer by killing his daughter.
The trial goes back and forth and reveals two formidable secrets about both Spellman sisters. Zelda confesses, that her brother himself went to sign Sabrina’s name in the Book of the Beast, just a couple of days after her birth. In order to marry her mother, Sabrina’s father had promised his daughter to the Dark Lord. Zelda then had proceeded over the years to persuade Sabrina into signing her name in the Book of the Beasts out of her own will, so her secret would stay hidden. After this reveal, things seem to look really bad for Sabrina. At this point, her lawyer proclaims that even if her name might be written down in the Book this would only make 50% of Sabrina committed to the Dark Lord, as her other half is 50% human. The High Priest, who also acts as chairman of the indictment, insists on letting Sabrina be examined for a birthmark and finding one would mean brutal punishment in the pit for her. Surprisingly he offers her a deal so she could escape this fate by ratifying her signature and attending only the School of Unseen Arts from now on. Giving Sabrina one night to decide the trial is postponed. What follows is a very intimate moment between Sabrina and Harvey when she asks him during a walk in the forest to examine her body for a birthmark (but not telling him the real reason she is looking for one though). After she has pulled off her clothes and stands there before him, feeling noticeably uncomfortable, Harvey as the sweetheart he is also taking off his shirt to comfort her. When they find no birthmark, Sabrina is confident enough to stand in trial and to reject the deal. This is when Hilda reveals her secret about witnessing how Sabrina got baptized on the behalf of her mother in a catholic church – one day before her father wrote Sabrina’s name in the Book of the Beast. Another turn in the trial as there are now two competing claims fighting over the soul of Sabrina Spellman. In the fear of losing her, the Dark Lord requests the personal consultation between himself, Sabrina’s lawyer and the High Priest. There it is agreed, that Sabrina can retain her mortal life under the condition, that she also attends the Academy of Unseen Art and the weekly black mess. Sabrina accepts and powers are fully restored to the Spellman-Family, even Hilda’s tooth is back again. But she gets punished by getting excommunicated from the Church of Night because she was involved in a catholic baptism.

Sabrina fights in court and those around her in different battles. We learn about Harvey and his dream of becoming a comic book artist. Who has a very supportive brother named Tommy (Justin Dobies), but an abusive father who accepts nothing else from his both sons than that they work for him in the dark tunnels of his mines. Despite other goals Harvey wants to reach in life, he has feared the mines since he got lost in them as a 7-year-old while playing hide and seek with his friends. He depicts the frightening experiences that he often has flashbacks of to Sabrina and she realizes that it must have been the Dark Lord Harvey had seen. Roz in the meantime fights passionately against the banning of important literature in Baxter High. She and her friends come up with many reasonable arguments against the Headmaster Mr. Hawthorne and get support from Ms. Wardwell for this. When reaching an important milestone by getting granted a session during a town hall meeting it’s really the time to celebrate. But when hearing the meeting will not take place sooner than 3 months, Roz bursts into tears and admits to Suzie and Sabrina that she is going blind because of an untreatable disease. She only has a few weeks left with eyesight and won’t be able to read anymore when the decision will be made in the town hall. Suzie, we previously learned was going through a really tough time. She was born and raised as a girl and her single father always tells her how much he likes dresses on her. But for a while now she feels and identifies as a boy. Ambrose gets suspicious about one of the dead bodies that had arrived at the mortuary – a young man named Connor with something that looks like a witch-mark and a lizard he used to keep as a pet. At his funeral, he meets Luke, Connor’s ex-boyfriend and they later spend a night together where Luke confesses that Connor had been a witch, like himself.

The next weekend after the trial Sabrina spends at the Academy and is greeted on her arrival by young boy Quentin. We soon find out he is a ghost and has other ghost friends, who can’t leave the place as they have unfinished business. The handsome warlock Nicolas Scratch (Gavin Leatherwood) seems to be appreciative to have a new girl around at his school, but not all students are as pleased to have a half-witch at the Academy. Sabrina gets tortured by the weird sisters, but when she steps up against the harrowing (clothes getting stolen from her, locking her in a cell overnight, etc.) it’s Sabrina who gets called into the Headmasters office. When Sabrina is in the office accompanied by her aunt Zelda, she begs Mr. Blackwood to be allowed in a conjuring class (of course out of her intention to find a way to fight against the Dark Lord from within). The High Priest agrees to put Sabrina in that class as soon as she solves the Acheron Configuration, an arcane puzzle her father made and that is almost impossible to solve. Even after this meeting, the Harrowing of Sabrina goes on. The weird sisters force her to spend the night half-naked in the woods and do not allow her to move or else they would kill her. Its torture for Sabrina to hear Harvey’s screams, her father begging her to turn around and the crying of her mother – sounds that are coming from a demon she is not to face. Quentin shows up in the morning and leads Sabrina to his friends – all children that have died trough Harrowing from other students from the Academy. With the help of the ghost children and her aunts, Sabrina takes revenge on the weird sisters. They pretend to hang the three witches with invisible ropes and only stop after they have promised to make an end to the Harrowing of Sabrina and any other students.

With a little help from the journals of her father brought to her by Nicolas, Sabrina manages to open the Configuration – and bring a demon inside the home of the Spellman’s. Her father, suffering from insomnia, has built the Acheron as a prison for a nightmare demon. United the family manages to seal the house and put the demon into a new prison – so it seems. The sleep demon is still free but imprisoned in the sealed house. By haunting and torturing them in their dreams he wants one of them to unseal the house so he would be free again. We see the things each family member fears the most and their individual hell: Sabrina getting betrayed by Harvey who exposes her as a witch so all of her friends want to kill her, Ambrose getting murdered and seeing himself making his own autopsy, Zelda losing her sister forever after killing her one time too often and Hilda getting sewn together with her sister to spend the rest of their lives together – literally. Before the liberation of the demon, Madam Satan has visited the Spellman mortuary. While she pretends that she’s in need of having arrangements for a funeral to make, she sneaks around the house collecting personal items of the Spellman family. Fingernails and hair, used for a magic spell, help her to get access to the house via a mirror. When she finds out what is going on in the house, she enters the dream of Sabrina to wake her, who in turn helps her family out of their nightmares. After they are all awake again the sleep demon is finally defeated.

After that she learns about (a part of) “Ms. Wardwell’s” secret, Sabrina wants her to stay away. Now that she has admitted that she is in fact Madam Satan, she tells Sabrina the story, that she, a long time ago had fallen in love with a mortal and got excommunicated for this from her coven. Edward Spellman made her his secretary after learning her past and also asked her to look after his daughter.
During a sleepover, Roz discovers the secret of Suzie’s uncle Jesse, who is locked away in a room in their house because he is mentally sick a.k.a. demonic. When Harvey gets told by Roz that he is confused and proclaims to have seen frightening things while working for Mr. Kinkle in the mines, Harvey believes to have found someone who has experienced the same as he did. When confronting Jesse with his own experience, Suzie’s uncle freaks out and tries to kill Harvey. Suzie smacks him and the three of them tighten him up in his bed. After they all have frightening encounters with him without being in the same room with him, the three resign to tell Sabrina about him. First, she refuses to believe them, but then Sabrina astral projects herself into Uncle Jesse’s room to get answers. She is not physically in this room but she is able to talk to him and finds out that he is possessed by a parasitic demon, who is strong enough to strangle her even if it’s only her projection in the room. After being saved by Ambrose, Sabrina does some research at the Academy and visits the mines with Harvey to learn about the demon’s origin. She convinces her aunts and Ms. Wardwell to perform an exorcism to free Suzie’s uncle from the demon, right before Susie’s father is able to send away his brother to a facility. He blames Jesse’s mental illness on his behavior when he was a child and wanted to wear dresses. Susie interprets this as a slap into her face, as she herself dresses androgynously. The exorcism seems to be successful, but nevertheless Jesse dies shortly after from a heart stroke. Not because of the demon but because Ms. Wardwell kills him. Father Blackwell is not happy about the exorcism of a mortal and is willing to excommunicate all of the Spellman’s (who have not been excommunicated yet), but decides otherwise because Zelda is operating as the Godmother of his wife.
Around the time mortals celebrate Thanksgiving, the Spellman family gets nominated to send for a representative for the “Feast of Feasts”. Every year, when mortals celebrate Thanksgiving, the witches and warlock are honoring a witch who lived centuries ago. She killed herself so that the members of her coven wouldn’t starve to death. The “Feast of Feasts” is a ceremony where one witch from out of 14 nominees is chosen as a sacrifice and will be eaten by the rest of the coven. Sabrina last-minute jumps in for Zelda, but Prudence is the one who gets chosen and is more than happy about it. Not only because everyone must obey her and grant all of her wishes, especially Sabrina as her handmaid. Getting nominated as Queen of the Feast and getting eaten by other witches and warlocks means, she will live on forever in them. Sabrina tries to convince Prudence, that the ceremony is instead brutal and there are things in life that are worth to stay alive. She brings the nominated Queen of the Feast to school to change her mind (because being at school is sooo wonderful…sarcasm-over) and introduces her to Harvey and her friends. Prudence gets furious when hearing Harvey’s last name as his family is known for having murdered witches in the past. She wants him killed but Sabrina and Ms. Wardwell lead her away.

Ms. Wardwell also tries to convince Prudence not sacrifice herself (maybe because Sabrina would need to step in?) and brings the two and the remaining weird sisters into the wood where they witness the Thanksgiving tradition of the Kinkle’s. Harvey does not only have to work in the mines for his father, but also needs to accompany his father and brother to the hunting of animals. Unfortunately, the deer they are hunting was some witch’s familiar. Harvey and his family have no knowledge of this, as the only thing that’s left from witch-hunters from centuries ago is the last name – it was an accident. Sabrina casts a protection spell on Harvey because she does not trust the weird sisters after their reaction in the woods to the killing. And she is right because the weird sisters decide that Harvey and his family need to die.
Lady Blackwood and her children meanwhile get checked by Zelda. The pregnant witch is in no good condition. We learn about this during a shared dinner with the Spellmans, the Blackwoods, and Prudence, where Hilda serves her truth cake. Lady Blackwood has cast a strong magic spell so Prudence would be picked as the Queen of the Feast. She did so because Prudence is the daughter of Father Blackwood and she wanted her out of the way so her own children would live their lives unthreatened. Father Blackwood under these circumstances plans to cancel the Feast of Feasts, but one of the coven’s witches, that has been waiting for her turn for a long time, slits her own throat and there is a feast at last.
Far away from these events, the mortal friends of Sabrina have homework to do for Ms. Wardwell as she wants them to learn more about their past. Susie finds a new role-model to look up to, as she learns about Dorothea, a woman that wasn’t cliché, wore men’s clothing and was respected, nevertheless. Harvey discovers, that his ancestors stole the land they own (including the mines) from so-called hill people, who we know are the name witches were called. Roz is slowly losing her eyesight. Her grandmother, blind herself, reveals to her granddaughter that she is developing an ability she names “The Cunning”. A sixth sense that allows those who have it to get visions about things that have happened in the past or might happen in the future.

Just when Ambrose’s house arrest is about to get lifted, the terrible news about the mine having collapsed reaches the Spellman residence. Sabrina rushes to the site of the accident where she finds Harvey (almost) safe and sound. His brother Tommy and some other workers are missing, but there is no way to enter the mine without bringing others in danger. Nevertheless, Susie crawls into the mines and when she returns the only thing she could find was the damaged, bloody helmet of Tommy. His father assumes all of the missing workers to be dead and Ambrose, who has astrally projected into the mines confirms this. In order to get money from the insurance, Mr. Kinkle plans the funeral of Harvey’s brother for the very next day, which makes Harvey more than angry and desperate. Sabrina’s heart is breaking seeing her boyfriend suffering and decides to do something about it. Thinking about how Hilda gets killed by Zelda once in a while but comes back after getting buried in the special grave, Sabrina begins to make a plan. At the funeral, Harvey and his dad are having a fight. Tommy, in fact, was not the passionate mineworker his father proclaims him to be and Harvey can’t stand his father saying this. During their bickering, the coffin gets knocked down. When Roz picks up the helmet that was put into it, she experiences what it means to have the Cunning.

Sabrina asks Ms. Wardwell for help with her plan of getting Tommy back from the dead through resurrection. Madam Satan acts shocked and does not want support Sabrina by any means, but “accidentally” tells her about the book in her office she would need for a resurrection. Resurrection means “eye to eye” so in order to bring someone back from the dead someone else must get killed. While she thinks about who could act as a sacrifice for her plan, Roz approaches her and tells her about her vision of two women playing with dolls, crushing their heads with rocks. Through her description, Sabrina realizes it must have been Agatha and Dorcas. She then teams up with Prudence and Nicolas to sacrifice Agatha to bring back Tommy. Well, not really as Sabrina is a little trickster. She leaves Agatha dead for just enough time so Tommy would come back, but then buries her in the special grave of her aunts and Agatha comes back. After having waited for 13 hours, Sabrina returns to the woods where they have “sacrificed” Agatha to welcome back Tommy. But of course, Tommy manifested himself at the exact place where he had died. When Sabrina arrives at the mines he is already gone and went home.

Ambrose meanwhile still hopes for his arrest to be lifted and has to talk to the High Priest several times. He confronts him with his try to blow up the Vatican and wants him to confess who else was involved. In return, he would offer him immunity, but Ambrose declines. Impressed by his loyalty Father Blackwood invites Sabrina’s cousin to come and work at the Academy for him and promises to work on lessening the sentence. He even gives him his own familiar, a mouse names Leviathan.
Tommy might have come back, but he is not himself. Agatha isn’t in good condition either, coughing up dirt. Still, Sabrina thinks everything is alright with both of them, but after Roz has visions about Tommy, she begins to doubt it and together they visit the Kinkles to examine Tommy. Roz has another vision when touching Tommy, about him wandering in a foggy land, only hearing the cry of a baby. It’s clear to Sabrina, that the vision shows that Tommy’s soul is still in limbo and only his body returned back to life. She is certain, that if she can bring back his soul everything will get back to normal. But Ambros, who has started working for Blackwood in the Academy, finds out about Agatha’s terrible state in the meantime and tells Hilda about it. She explains, that the witch has not only been resurrected too quickly, but that the balance is off despite Sabrina’s trick and the earth is still owned a dead body, either Agatha or Tommy.

When Agatha collapses Zelda and Father Blackwood find out about the resurrection. Zelda insists she will bring everything back to order by killing Tommy, but Father Blackwood does not trust her and instructs the remaining weird sisters to follow her. Sabrina fails to convince her family to help her get Tommy’s soul out of limbo, but as they all refuse, she turns again to Ms. Wardwell. Sabrina enters limbo and finds her mother, who seems to have unfinished business. But Sabrina can’t finish their conversation as she needs to find Tommy before the soul-eaters get him. Sabrina manages to reach the gate to exit limbo with Tommy, but he gets caught by a soul-eater right in that very moment they are going through the portal and is forever gone.
After having failed to get back to Tommy’s soul, Sabrina finally is ready to tell Harvey everything about her true identity and everything that she has done with Tommy in order to make Harvey less heartbroken. Harvey can’t forgive her. He has hoped, that Tommy would eventually go back to normal, but now realizes he never will. Not wanting to be a coward any longer, he sends Sabrina away to end the suffering of his brother himself. When they meet again later, he tells her that he convinced his father that Tommy shot himself. And that he can now see their relationship more clearly. He still can’t hate her, as that’s what he promised her on her birthday. But he would never look at her without having painful thoughts about his brother and that’s why he ends the relationship. Her other friends also learn about Sabrina’s true identity. Susie is getting visited by her ancestor Dorothea who reveals to her, that all the Spellmans have been witches. And Roz gets the idea through her Cunning. They talk about their speculations and wonder whether Sabrina is dangerous or not and confront her with their assumptions and she tells them everything at last. They react differently than Harvey and still stand beside her. To the displeasure of Ms. Wardwell who still is up to convincing Sabrina to sign the Book of the Beast.

As Sabrina still has most of her mortal friends rallying behind her, Ms. Wardwell needs a Plan B to be able to fulfill the Dark Lords’ order. She sacrifices a virgin boy from Baxter High to summon the Greendale 13. These witches were hung by mortals during the Witch Hunts and as the other witches from Greendale failed to save them they are seeking revenge on both – mortals and witches. To help them with their revenge, the Greendale 13 summon the red angel of death who would go around and kill all firstborns. Ambrose and Luke observe them during the summoning in the woods. While the coven members find safety in the Academy, it’s Zelda who doesn’t want the mortals to be without protection. The four Spellmans summon a tornado in order to gather all mortals in Baxter High, which functions as a shelter during bad weather. The plan seems to work but when Harvey and Roz are nowhere to be found, Sabrina and Susie go in search of them. Harvey still won’t trust her and refuses to be “protected” by her. As his father is a firstborn, Sabrina begs Nicolas to stand by Harvey’s side. Roz doesn’t want her grandmother alone as she insists on staying at their home and so Susie stays with them.

While Zelda and Ambrose get teleported to the Academy by Father Blackwood and Luke, Sabrina gets dragged into the woods by Ms. Wardwell, leaving Hilda alone at Baxter High. Madam Satan convinces her that there is only one way to fight the Greendale Thirteen and to save the lives of many mortals and witches and finally get Sabrina to sign Book of the Beast, we get a lot of flashbacks and Sabrina’s hair turns platinum white after having finished her signature. Remembering the vision she had from the magical tree, Sabrina now knows what she needs to do. She summons the witches at this exact place, hangs them there and uses her power to burn them with hellfire which makes the angel of death disappear.

Zelda can’t prevent that Lady Blackwood dies in childbirth but can save her children. She had predicted that both children would be boys, but the firstborn indeed is a girl. As she knows about Father Blackwood’s attitudes Zelda fears that he would reject a daughter. Zelda tells the lie that the baby had been absorbed in the womb by its brother and Father Blackwood is not necessarily unhappy about it but proud of his strong son. With that, she hides her from him. Her plan is to raise her together with Hilda like they have raised Sabrina, but Hilda has her own announcement to make. She has developed much and become more independent from her sister in recent times, which seems to be a result of the nightmare she had from the sleep demon. She got her first real job in the mortal word and kissed her boss, Dr. Cerberus, during the tornado (not knowing that his eyes had turned red while doing so). And now she has decided it’s time for her to move out – at least out of the shared bedroom.
Sabrina visits Harvey to apologize to him once more. Harvey suggests leaving the past behind and to start all over, but after they start becoming very intimate, Sabrina jumps back, as she doesn’t want Harvey to be put in danger because of her. She has developed a dark side since signing the book and the events that followed. Afraid of hurting the ones she loves, she decides to stay away from mortals from now on, which is entirely in Madam Satan’s spirit, as was her intention all along. And finally, she reveals her true intentions. Not to Sabrina but to the headmaster she is about to kill in order to replace him at Baxter High. Her plan to make Sabrina sign the Book of the Beast was just the beginning, her long-term goal is to become the Queen of Hell. But for this, she needs Sabrina to replace her as the Dark Lord’s minion.

The week before when mortals celebrate Christmas, the Spellmans prepare themselves for the winter solstice. They light up a Yule tree in the firepit to prevent ghosts from getting access to their home. Zelda stills hide Leticia, the daughter of Father Blackwood and is really tense about the fire. It must be on continuously in order to keep out what does not belong inside the house. Sabrina feels alone after having distanced herself from her mortal friends and often thinks about her mother, wondering why she has seen her at limbo while trying to save Tommy. With the help of the weird sisters, she holds a séance to talk to her mother, until Zelda pops in and she disappears before Sabrina is getting any answers. Madam Satan is intriguing again, putting out the fire of the Yule tree so ghosts are able to haunt the Spellman’s house and kidnap baby Leticia. They summon their mother to get rid of them. Gryla once made a deal with another witch to eat both their babies to reach everlasting life, but gets betrayed and seeks revenge ever after, stealing babies from other witches that are not worthy in her opinion. Now as she has learned about baby Leticia, she attempts to steal her too, but the Spellman’s trick her. Meanwhile, Susie works as an elf in Greendale’s mall with Santa Claus. Well, not the actual one of course, but it’s not a normal man that dresses up as the fat man with a white beard. It’s actually a demon in disguise, capturing the souls of children who work for him in wax sculptures. Susie is in the wrong place at the wrong time and the demon prepares the wax to turn her into a sculpture as well. Roz gets a vision of Susie being held hostage and asks the Spellmans for help. As this is the job for a furious witch taking away babies and kids, they ask Gryla to come back. After having freed Susie and punishing the demon, Zelda agrees to let Gryla take Leticia with her. She is certain about her being safer with the witch in the woods than in the Spellman’s house, where the High Priest might make surprise-visits.

Stay tuned for our catch-up on part 2 of “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”, coming soon to Temple of Geek.
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I totally didn’t expect to love this show as much as I do. I thought it would be too horror-ific. But I’m hooked! Great recap. Very thorough.
Thank you! I wasn’t keen on watching it either in the beginning, but more because of my memories of bubbly 90s Sabrina that I didn’t want to lose. Have you seen part 3 already?
I haven’t watched this yet. I stopped watching Riverdale as I thought the plot for the show dragged on and became a little too ridiculous.? Is this similar to Riverdale or quite different?