Cosplay Connection is all about learning more about cosplayers and their journeys through cosplay, as well as providing cosplayers with tips and tricks of the hobby. Anime Los Angeles is a community-centered anime convention that brings a lot of incredible cosplayers to the Long Beach Convention Center. At Anime Los Angeles 19, we connected with Adam Wright and discussed cosplay creation as well as what it’s like to be relatively new to cosplaying.
Discussing Cosplay Creation with Adam Wright
Cosplay, or “costume play,” is a great way for people to express their love for their favorite characters through dressing up. Cosplay creation looks different for everyone, from making everything from scratch to purchasing premade outfits, from thrifting to modifying.
Adam, known on social media as @ultimateh3ro, is relatively new to the cosplay community. We asked Adam what inspired him to start cosplaying.

“I didn’t start watching anime until I was in my early 30’s, so maybe four years ago. I had met a couple of who were just kind of in the cosplay community, and they were going to a convention. And I had never been. The first convention I went to was AnimeNYC…my very first [cosplay] I kind of slapped it together. I didn’t want to feel left out, I went with my friends, and had a really cool time! And ever since then, I just kind of wanted to keep going.”
Adam debuted a new cosplay that he described as a huge sewing project. We asked if, during the cosplay creation process, he follows any templates.
“Sometimes you have to change it, you know. It’s rare, especially in anime – especially if you’re doing like I do and make a character that’s not super common – you’re not always going to find what you want. So, I find something that’s somewhat similar and I will adapt things; change things to the best of my ability.”

Sometimes, cosplay can be an intimidating hobby to begin. When we asked Adam about what sort of advice he would give beginner cosplayers, he suggested, “Make friends with people who do things better than you.” Reaching out to seasoned cosplayers is a great way to learn different techniques when it comes to cosplay creation.
You can follow Adam on Instagram and TikTok.
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