Get Ready For CW’s Elseworlds – A Heroic Three Night Event

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Starting on December 9th’s episode of The Flash and ending on December 11th’s episode of Supergirl, prepare for the CW DC television universe to collide! The CW is titling this crossover Elseworlds and it involves the aforementioned Flash, Suprgirl, and Arrow. The Legends of tomorrow are skipping this event, but more cast members from Supergirl are getting involved. Plus, we are finally getting our first look of this universe’s Gotham City and the introduction of a character from the Bat-Family.

Meet Batwoman

That’s right folks, the CW DC Universe is getting a new hero in the form of Batwoman! We don’t know many details as of yet except that she is being played by actress Ruby Rose. CW revealed the costume for the character back in September. In the words of the the  Boy Wonder Robin, Holy Costume Party! This costume is spot on!

Barry Allen’s Green Arrow and Oliver Queen’s Flash, Wait What?

If you are an avid reader of the comics, you know that the title Elseworlds indicate a story that is outside of the main continuity. They could be tales that are of the supernatural, set in a different era, or involve different characters taking up the mantle of different superheroes. This crossover appears to be keeping that trend alive by teasing us an image of Barry Allen in the Arrow costume and Oliver Queen in the Flash costume.


But that is not the only weird thing that is happening. The actors and producers have been dropping images from the crossover on their social media accounts giving fans a look into what to expect. One of the more shocking images that has been revealed is John Weasley Shipp donning the costume from the original Flash television show.

Are You Ready

The event starts on December 9th and I for one am excited to see what they have up their sleeves for this event. What are your thoughts? Are you enjoying these yearly crossovers? What are you expecting to see in this episode? Let us know what your thoughts are by commenting below.


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