Last weekend Temple Of Geek attended the London Film and Comic Con at Kensington Olympia,West London.
This Bi-annual event that took place from July 27-29 2018 is a celebration of all things movie, cosplay and game related. We at Temple Of Geek were privileged to attend this contribution to the world of geeks! This year’s event however was an unprecedented event, as it had no less than eight incarnations of the famous “Doctor Who” as guests for this Showmasters run event.
The Guest List:
From Friday the list of Doctors was mind-boggling.
In attendance over the weekend was the world’s largest ever gathering of actors who played the famous Time lord.
This role call of Doctors included: Tom Baker who portrayed the 4th Doctor who, Peter Davison: The 5th Doctor Who, Colin Baker:The 6th Doctor Who and Paul Mcgann: The 8th Doctor Who from the classic era of the show and the 1996 movie.
Also in attendance were the 4 past Doctors from the modern era of Doctor who.
Christopher Eccleston, the 9th incarnation of the Doctor. David Tennant, the quite brilliant 10th Doctor Who. Matt Smith the 11th Doctor. And finally to round off the ridiculously amazing list of actors ,we had the dashing Peter Capaldi, the 12th Doctor Who.
The event had a vast array of costumers and TV/Movie props too! Many different shows and movies were covered on the day, both by the costumers and exhibitors. You’ll see We’ve mainly focused on the Doctor who cosplayers, but there were many impressive cosplayers from all fandoms of TV and movies. But this event was pretty much about the costumers from the Whoniverse for sure. Considering the Who related guest list. The bulk of cosplay photos are from the Burning Skies costumers group. This cosplay group is not completely Doctor Who oriented but they featured this amazing bunch of costumers.
The event had a various array of stalls and artists selling all kinds of geeky and sci-fi related memorabilia/collectibles and artwork.
There were things from candy stalls to full replica props and clothing that could be bought at the event. There was also many interactive areas for gamers and lovers of all things geek related too. Some of the props were astounding and to scale which was incredible. considering that the venue isn’t the largest that we’ve attended.
This event is by far the best we’ve visited in the UK so far. And although it is not as big as Gallifrey One or San Diego Comic con, it makes it all the more amazing considering they set the world record for the most actors that played Doctor who to attend any event ever.
The interactive zones and sheer mass of excitingly amazing things to do, have made sure that this event will go down in history as the single most ambitious comic con in UK history. If this sort of event is repeated here again,it is highly recommended to all lovers of film ,gaming and everything geek related.
The writers personal experiences:
This event was astoundingly ambitious and at times very hectic. The weather was a large contributory factor as it was extremely hot,so the venue itself was like an enormous greenhouse at times. But I will say that the amazing costumers and public were very patient and well, just very excited to the point were they didn’t really get effected by the sweltering conditions in the venue.

Photograph credit to Simon Jefferies from Burning skies cosplay(cosplay segment).
We at Temple of Geek would like to thank the Burning Sky Cosplay Group for the amazing photographs we have of the costumers.
And a special mention to The Sons of Skaro for getting us access to to this event. Sons of Skaro are a UK based Dalek and Doctor Who prop group run by Dean Stoner and Robert Cowley. They travel the UK doing many events and raising money for charity with their amazing full-sized prop display.