It’s the end of the world as we know it! Critical Role takes us back almost one-thousand years to the Age of Arcanum in a brand new campaing, Exandria Unlimited: Calamity. Before Vox Machina, The Mighty Nein, and Bell’s Hell’s comes the story of six heroes uncovering an insidious plot that will change the landscape of Exandria forever!

Lead by Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan (Dimension 20), this new campaign stars Critical Role founders Sam Reigel (The Legend of Vox Machina, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Travis Willingham (The Legend of Vox Machina, Marvel’s Avengers) and Marisha Ray (The Legend of Vox Machina, Final Fantasy XV), alongside Aabria Iyengar (Exandria Unlimited, Dimension 20), Lou Wilson (Jimmy Kimmel Live, Dimension 20), and Luis Carazo (NCIS: Los Angeles, S.W.A.T.) joining the adventure and chaos!
An inevitable Calamity draws near as these six distinguished heroes from the Age of Arcanum work together to uncover corruption beneath a city that they’re sworn to protect! We know how this story inevitably ends, and now it’s time to tell the story of how we got there.
Beginning today, May 26th, Exandria Unlimited: Calamity will run over the next four weeks on Critical Role’s Twitch and YouTube channels 7pm Pacific on Thursday evenings! The VOD will be made available immediately on Twitch for subscribers and on the following Monday at noon on YouTube!
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity will also be made available in podcast format one week after the initial airing on the Critical Role podcast feed which you can access via: Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

The Calamity has been mentioned in each of the previous campaigns as a devastation so great it scared the world. Those ripples are still being felt in the current Bell’s Hell’s campaign. But there is so much mystery surrounding the event itself and what led up to it. For the Critter’s out there who devour lore (like myself), I can’t wait to see our questions answered and (potentially) lead to more!
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