Fantasy writer, nerdy fitness trainer builds character through style

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Fantasy writer Lydia Loomis (@lydiasnerdverse) appreciates fandoms with strong worldbuilding, characters, and relationships. The works of Ursula K. Le Guin, Firefly, and D&D are among her favorite sci-fi/fantasy offerings. A writer herself, Lydia sees geek style as another means of character building and self-expression. When she’s not writing her series, Bloodlust, she works with her partner to promote nerdy fitness and wellbeing via

Fantasy writer Lydia Loomis

What are your diehard fandoms?

My nerdiness usually revolves around good worldbuilding and strong characters and relationships. Ursula K. Le Guin was my first entry into fantasy/sci-fi storytelling. Firefly was the first nerd thing I shared with my partner. Dungeons & Dragons is my current obsession.

Fantasy writer Lydia Loomis

How would you describe your personal geek style?

I love how style can be used for self-expression. You’re creating your own character and how you want to interact with the world by how you present yourself. If I had to define my personal style, I would say it’s fun and creative while still trying to be elegant and chic.

What favorite geek fashion items can be found in your closet?

I’m a sucker for whatever the newest shiny item is. Right now, my Beholder skirt from Wild Bangerang is my favorite.

Describe your go-to geeky outfit.

When I buy a new piece or put together an outfit, the main thing I look for is the fit. If an outfit fits well, it makes me feel both comfortable and confident.

Where do you find yourself searching or shopping the most for your geek fashion needs?

Everywhere! If I’m looking for something specific or from a specific fandom, I will look online. There are so many great, creative people out there and I try to support those small businesses if I can. I also always have my eyes out. I have found some of my favorite pieces at thrift stores, dollar stores, the boys department of Target. You never know where the treasure is going to be.

Feel free to shout out any personal geeky passions, projects, or business endeavors:

I have a website where I share my storytelling and other nerdy adventures. I am currently posting my weekly fantasy-romance series, Bloodlust, on

I also work with my partner in his nerd wellness practice, 

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