Geek Chic Style Profile: Arezou Amin plays fangirl fashion ‘cool, casual’

Arezou Amin, @arezoudetoo, fangirls over Star Wars, the MCU, and fantasy novels. She stepped up her cool, yet casual wardrobe with the inspiration of Instagram fashion challenges. She also gets ideas from “bounders” whose style reflects characters from pop culture.

What are your diehard fandoms?

My main diehard fandom is Star Wars. I love the different facets of it, both within the story and within the fandom itself. I really dove in deep once the Sequel Trilogy kicked off. It was like back when the prequels were coming out, there was Star Wars everywhere you turned!

Otherwise, I’m really into the MCU. I’m not much of a comics reader, but I am all about those MCU movies! And the shows now too! I was obsessed with Agent Carter while it was airing, and I’m completely hooked on WandaVision now. I can’t wait for the rest to come out.

I’m not much of a DC person, but I do really love Birds of Prey and Wonder Woman! I really love Disney animated movies too. I rewatched a whole bunch of the classics at the start of quarantine!

And I don’t know how “fandom” this is, but I adore fantasy novels. I’m just reading Holly Black’s Folk of the Air series and I’m obsessed, even though I’m late to the party!

How would you describe your personal geek style?

I would describe my personal geek style as cool-yet-casual. At least, that’s how I hope it comes across! It took me a long time to figure out how to style t-shirts in a way that was flattering and stylish, while still being comfortable and letting me feel like myself. I have to say, I’m very happy with the outcome.

Taking part in fashion challenges on Instagram — like Sartorial Geek’s #sgfashionfix or anytime the Galactic Coven hosts an event — has really inspired me to try and step up my game. It’s made me want to incorporate more dramatic pieces into my wardrobe to wear with the pieces I already have.

I’m also drawing a lot of inspiration from the way I see people do “bounding” during these challenges, like the way they will make an outfit represent a character without doing outright cosplay. I did a Fennec Shand-inspired look a few weeks ago that I am extremely proud of — braid and all!

All these Instagram challenges have also really helped me step up my makeup game. I’m still getting the hang of using vivid colors on my face, but I love how far I’ve come. Like, I genuinely think I’ve worn more makeup in the last year of quarantine than I ever have before!

What favorite geek fashion items can be found in your closet?

The thing about my geeky wardrobe is that there is a piece for every mood, from wanting to feel cool and powerful, to wanting to curl up and be cozy. You can guess which kind I’ve been defaulting to for the last few months!

I have a pair of Po-Zu Hero Rey boots that I absolutely adore, that I got as a birthday gift to myself. I haven’t had the chance to wear them more than a couple of times, but what I love about them is the fact that I can wear them with my cosplay or just on their own!

I also have a jean jacket covered with pins and patches that I started putting together last year. I love that each thing on it has significance to me, I don’t just put it on there for the sake of decoration.

I bought my first Loungefly bag — Rey, of course — a couple of months before everything shut down. I’d been planning on taking it to Disney World with me, but I guess it’s going to have to wait!

One of my favorite shops for accessories is Creature Cartel, and I particularly love her headbands because they don’t pinch or hurt like headbands usually do for me.

Describe your go-to geeky outfit.

My go-to geeky outfit is usually one of my graphic t-shirts with a pair of jeans, accessorized accordingly, and always, always paired with bold lipstick! Though granted nowadays I usually swap the lipstick out for Chapstick and a mask. I’ve got quite the geeky collection of reusable masks now!

But with the pandemic and being at home 95% of the time, my go-to has become my pair of Baby Yoda sweatpants. Chances are if you’ve been on a Zoom call with me, no matter how nice I look from the waist up, I probably have those sweats on!

Where do you find yourself searching or shopping the most for your geek fashion needs?

I think about half the geeky pieces in my closet are from Her Universe! I really like their more “casual cosplay” style, and I’m hoping we get to see more of that down the line — both new stuff and maybe a return of some of the classics?

I try to shop small where possible too, and it’s been a lot of fun finding new places to find things from, like Jordandene, Super Yaki, Only Hope Supply. It’s great, too, since so much of my geeky wardrobe is t-shirt and sweatshirt-based, and these places all cater to that! I’ve also recently been spending quite a bit of time on Etsy recently! For accessories, I am absolutely in love with Creature Cartel. I’d buy one of everything if I could.

Feel free to shout out any personal geeky passions, projects, or business endeavors:

I can usually be found on Twitter, @arezouamin, tweeting out my geeky opinions and excitement, or on Instagram, @arezoudeetoo.

My website,, is the hub for all my geekery! It’s mostly Star Wars book blogs right now, but before the pandemic I was getting into building my own cosplay and I blogged about that too! I’m hoping to get back into it as things start opening up and I can properly browse for fabric again.

I cohost a livestream show called “Beyond The Blast Doors,” which is a weekly Star Wars news show. I am also a cohost/contributor over at The Geeky Waffle, where I appear on the flagship show, the spin-off show, and cohost all our Star Wars and Marvel livestreams.

The Temple of Geek Chic Style Profile features the fabulous personal fashion of real-life geeks. It’s a great way to get to know stylish geeks you may have seen on social media. As a bonus, you’ll get geek style tips, ideas, inspiration, and discover new places to shop for geeky apparel and accessories.   

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Lavender spent 15 years as an entertainment writer, editor, and film critic before launching her own website, Her graphic novel will be published in 2024. She spends too much time thinking about Star Wars.

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