Crisis on infinite earths

Geeking Out Over The News For Crisis on Infinite Earths

On This Episode

Danniel and Paul decide to do what they do best, that is, geek out over a television program. More specifically, all the news that has dropped so far regarding the Crisis on Infinite Earths Cross Over. With the most recent announcement of Erica Durance joining Tom Welling to represent Smallville, you can bet that these guys have a lot to be excited about.

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About Our Hosts

Danniel Slade

Danniel Slade is the brainchild behind Temple of Geek. He started the podcast in 2012 and has branched out to other shows, a website, and a YouTube channel. Danniel is currently hosting the Five Points of Articulation Podcast with fellow co-host Jose Vasquez. You can find Danniel on Instagram where he may or may not be posting geek-related photos of action figures or gaming. You can check out some of his work here.

Paul Jones

Paul Jones is an aspiring filmmaker. He breathes, eats and craps out movies. To sum up: Paul is the Movie Guy! A living “IMDB” in the making. Aside from that, he loves anything geek associated. From comics to costumes, to conventions, to video games. He is the founder of Phantom Banshee Films and along with Danniel, help founded Temple of Geek. Paul’s favorite quotes include: “whatever, continue, and I hope it doesn’t suck!



Temple of Geek Podcast - Tuesdays at 10am CST
Retro Rebel Podcast - Fridays at 11am CST

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