The Guardians of the Galaxy were relatively unknown (or at the very least unappreciated) at the time of their big Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. The team made its first appearance in Marvel Super-Heroes issue #18 in 1969. They weren’t given their own series until 1979 with Marvel Presents issue #3. The original comic book team bears little resemblance to what was brought to us on the big screen, with the existence of Yondu being the only true similarity. If you are about to embark into some Guardians comics, be prepared for something entirely different than what was brought to you on screen.

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1 (1991)
First up we have the origins of the team. This issue is important because the make up of the team changed quite a lot from its inception to now. This is a great one for some otherwise obscure characters; Yondu, Major Victory, Martinex, Starhawk and Nikki. The reception of the early days was not overly positive and it wasn’t exactly a best-selling book. However, it has its charm and would have what would be considered having a cult following.
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #2 (1992)
It seems super basic to go in order like this, but there were a few changes to the team. Mainly, a slight name change to the “Galactic Guardians”. Martinex becomes team leader and pretty much everyone else gets replaced. The writers were essentially trying to see if new arrangements of the team would sell better.
spoiler alert: they didn’t.

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume #2 Issue #1 (2008)
This is where we get to the modern team, similar to what we see in the MCU. Star-lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and some we have yet to see on screen like Phyla-vell and Adam Warlock, who will be making his debut soon.
Most of the Guardians stories happen in annuals or volumes which make it very easy to catch up and find a variation of the team that you like. There are even more make ups of the team that are all very different then the MCU, so as the final chapter of the MCU story approaches, pick up one of their comics to keep the antics going!
Check out our other comic book recommendations here and here!