How To Cosplay Grunge & Air Force Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers a.k.a Captain Marvel is one badass superhero! So we totally get why you want to cosplay as her!

Captain Marvel is an extraterrestrial Kree warrior who finds herself caught in the middle of an intergalactic battle between her people and the Skrulls. Living on Earth in 1995, she keeps having recurring memories of another life as U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers. She also has a badass friend named Maria Rambeau who is also an airforce pilot. In the movie Carol Danvers two distinct “Earth Cosplays”. She wears an airforce pilot uniform as well as a grunge style outfit featuring a S.H.I.E.L.D. hat and a white Nine Inch Nails T-Shirt.

This tutorial on Captain Marvel will provide reference photos, search terms to use for locating items, and tips. We will try to provide you with as much information as we can so you can hunt down your own Captain Marvel cosplay.  We will provide links to certain items but keep in mind that they may sell out and no longer be available, or they may not be available to ship to all countries.

Grunge Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel

Grunge Look on Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) ©Marvel Studios 2019

This look is simple enough. The most recognizable pieces are the oversized men’s moto jacket, grey S.H.I.E.L.D. hat, and the White Nine Inch Nails band T-Shirt. There is a version of this T-Shirt on the Nine Inch Nails website, but it is not the screen accurate shirt. The one worn by Brie Larson may have been altered or custom made for her. It could also be a vintage Tee that is no longer available. The Nine Inch Nails Tshirt sold online is longer than the one worn by Larson.

LOGO WHITE TEE by Nine Inch Nails (Similar to the one worn by Captain Marvel)

Available at:

We recommend buying from the artist website because we are all about supporting bands! But there are also other versions available on Etsy and other sites. Search terms to use are white & grey Nine Inch Nails shirt and Captain marvel NIN shirt.

New Nine Inch Nail NIN Rock Band CAPTAIN MARVEL Hero Men’s T-shirt by ShirtForWorld

NIN shirts on Redbubble

Captain Marvel T-Shirt Design by MeerKatz

There are a lot of versions of the grey S.h.I.E.L.D. hat found online. The search terms you want to use are Captain Marvel Shield Hat and Grey Shield Hat. We personally like the way the hat from EpitomeAparrel looks.

Available at:

The Officially Licensed hat from Lids is currently out of stock but may be available for resale on sites like eBay.

The jacket is the hardest piece of this cosplay. Based on filming reference photos from a deleted scene (see below) we know that she is wearing a men’s motorcycle jacket. It is a grey distressed motorcycle jacket with large front lapels, four zippered front pockets, and zippered sleeves. What we don’t know at this time is what brand and style it is. While researching this jacket we found websites claiming to have custom made replicas of the jacket, but they only showed movie promo photos of the jacket and no proof to what the replicas actually looked like. in an effort to avoid our readers be scammed, we have chosen not to link those sites. Our best recommendation is to search for a similar jacket in whatever way you can, be it Etsy, Amazon, thrift shops and more. We have provided reference photos below to help you with your search. but truly as long as you have the Hat and the Tshirt you could wear any jacket and still be recognizable as Captain Marvel!

Air Force Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers

Marvel Studios’ CAPTAIN MARVEL..L to R: Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch) and Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) ..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019

This cosplay section works for both Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers. They essentially wear the exact same outfit. The only difference being their name tags. In the promo photo above Carol Danvers’ name is removed from the photo, but it is seen in the movie. They are both wearing US Airforce Flight Suits. You can find the flight suits at a military surplus store, Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and other online stores. The onscreen ones are vintage 1990s suits and have a spot for two patches on the front.

JusticeAndFreedom Vintage Flight Suit

This Vintage Flight suite available from Justice and Freedom on Etsy is probably the closest to what is actually worn on film. But you can find lots of similar suits. The differences are small.

Others places to find the flight suits online:

Olive Drab Military Air Force Style Flight Suit Coveralls by Army Universe

Propper CWU 27/P Nomex Flight Suits from Tactical Gear 

The name patches might be the trickiest to find. You would have to have someone custom make a Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers patch. Or you could create your own. Ideas on making your own would be using iron-on transfers or painting one to look like it. if you are interested in buying the patches most of them are available through the Vanguard website:

Stitch Loft offers the Patch Set at:

AF Flight Test Center Patch. Not currently available online on its own. May have to be a custom-made item. We have provided a high-resolution design of the image here, in case you want to turn it into an iron-on patch or attempt to recreate it yourself.

AF Systems Command Patch available at:

USAF Test Pilot School available at:

Aviator sunglasses are the easiest and can be found anywhere from $0.99 to a few hundred dollars. You can find plenty of options on Amazon. We are especially a fan of the aviators from Diff Eyewear that offers the captain marvel insignia on them available here:

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Black Tshirt with three yellow rectagular blocks and on top of the blocks are the words Temple of Geek
Teepublic T-shirt with the Temple of Geek Podcast Logo

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  • Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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Monica Duarte

Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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