Nerd Make Up and Geeky Nail Wraps from Espionage Cosmetics

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If you love nails and makeup and you love your fandoms then Espionage Cosmetics is probably gonna be your thing. Espionage Cosmetics is a nerdy makeup and nail art company. It is a female-led and run company and has been around since 2011. They believe that Nerd Makeup and Manicures are for anyone driven by their passions whether or not they are directed towards comics, video games, science, literature or general fandom.  They feature cruelty-free makeup and nail wraps inspired by things we love including comic books, video games, and sundry things throughout pop culture!

And really they speak the language of the nerd! Just check out these super cool nails and makeup designs!


Nerd Make Up

These Cartridge Compacts hold the exclusive Espionage Cosmetics pressed eyeshadows or Lip Blushes. Cartridge shadows and Lip Blushes are replaceable, so you can customize and swap at will! Available at:


Nail Wraps

Nail wraps come in tons of geeky styles. We are especially in love with the fact that their styles cover a large array of fandoms.  Check out the video tutorial below to see how they work. Available at:

For more on Espionage Cosmetics, you can go to their website, or follow them on social media.


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