The first episode of season 2 set up what to expect for the rest of this season. From interdimensional travel, to new enemies for our star hero, this season is about to be jam packed with conflict and plot twists, and the second episode opens up even more possibilities, as well as giving us some great, emotional character moments. Many of which are tied to our heroes like Eve and Invincible dealing with the effects of Omni-Man on the rest of the world.
At San Diego Comic-Con we got a sneak preview of the second season where Mark visits Midnight City. In this scene we are introduced to something called the shadow-verse. We’ve established that like The Boys, Invincible does a good job making commentary and satirizing things that other superhero stories overuse. So we can’t help but think that the traveling through dimensions and use of the shadow-verse are meant to poke fun and both Marvel and DC writing themselves into corners.
Character Development
Samantha continues to try and have a relationship with her parents despite them treating her like absolute crap. She goes above and beyond to try and help people directly. Not just her parents, but the people of Chicago who were affected by the big fight. She fixes things immediately, giving people results.

April and Mark are back together now that she has accepted that he is a superhero. They still plan on going to college together, but mostly because Mark still hasn’t fully grasped what being a superhero with a supervisor actually consists of.
Mark has to deal with the consequences of Omni-Man killing Aquarius, which means he has to take a trip to Atlantis. They want Mark to answer for the sins of his father through trial by combat. Requiring our hero to fight in an unfamiliar environment. But when things go wrong Mark does his best to do the opposite of what his father would do. This season seems like it’s going to spend a lot of time with Mark trying to prove that he isn’t Omni-Man.
Danger! The Lizard League is on the rise. It’s really hard to be intimidated by that name but that is what the second episode leaves us with. So be afraid, be very afraid.