Invincible Season 2, Episode 4 – Mid-Season Recap

Omni-Man is back! The end of episode 3 took Invincible off-planet and to his father. We can only assume leading earth’s strongest defender off planet was the intention, but time will tell. Also why would Omni-Man take over a planet of grasshopper-looking aliens? So many questions to be answered in episode 4. As we are halfway through the season let’s recap all of the storylines that have been opened and reopened by the end of this episode. Consider this your Invincible mid-season recap. 

The Episode

Mark and Nolan reunite and Nolan reveals that he is remarried on this different planet and that Mark has a new little brother. Mark is justifiably upset when Nolan asks him to help protect this new family he’s built. Viltrumites attack Nolan’s new planet and Mark is forced to help. Nolan has an unexpected reaction to the genocide of his new family. In the moment where Nolan is trying to help Mark there is an excellent line of dialogue that depicts the reason villains tend to be so powerful in superhero stories; “[s]he’s trying to kill you Mark, if you aren’t trying to kill her, you are going to die”. And the following fight scene plays out like perfectly crafted comic book panels.

Mark is threatened by one of the Viltrumite leaders after he is informed that Nolan will be executed. He is to return to earth and prepare it for Viltrumite rule.

Eve takes out her anger by fighting an actual villain, but ends up putting civilians in danger. 

Debbie decides that it is time to move. She wants out of the house and life she built with Nolan. 

Invincible Mid-Season Recap

New: The first episode gave us interdimensional travel and a new villain that vowed revenge against Mark. We have yet to see him again, so that is still out there along with the Mullers. 

Also looming we’ve got the shadow-verse. This seems to go hand in hand with dimensional travel so if we get more of one, we should get more of the other. 

Then we have the planetary coalition that has been infiltrated, leading to the death of Allen the alien and we have yet to see the consequences of that. 

And of course we can’t forget the Lizard League is on the rise. And we are all very frightened.

Reopened: We’ve got the aftermath of the Mars incident. Something that has been alluded to but not fully fleshed out. 

We are halfway through the season and there have already been some monster plot twists. To summarize our Invincible mid-season recap; Omni-Man might be dead, Mark is definitely in danger, Eve is dealing with a serious emotional crisis and Debbie is trying to start a new life. The second half of the season has a lot to cover but we have faith that everything that needs to be wrapped up will be. 

Check out our previous Invincible season 2 recaps!

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