It’s a count down! Marvel teases a special reveal 3 days away!

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On Sunday Marvel Entertainment took to social media to share a photo of a spider web in the shape of the number four with the hashtag #marvelcomics and no caption at all. Leaving fans to speculate wildly about what this could mean. On Monday they posted a second image of a spider web in the shape of the number 3. It is a count down! But a count down to what? We are guessing we won’t know the answer until Thursday when the count down hits zero.

On Sunday the most reasonable speculations sounded like people believed this to be the announcement of the Fantastic Four and Spiderman crossover in the comics. While others believed that could be Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man four script turned into a graphic novel. But none of those ideas stopped fans from hoping this was a return of Toby Mcguire as Spider-Man in a fourth film. But now that Monday has revealed that it is a count down, the type of speculation is starting to change.

Let us know in the comments what you believe the count down is for!

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