Sk8 the Infinity is an anime that has it all: skateboarding, intrigue, angst, friendship, and much more. It’s a must-watch, especially with the news of an upcoming second season and OVA in the works. We have compiled a list of our favorite Joe quotes from the first season.

About Sk8 the Infinity
Sk8 the Infinity takes place in Okinawa, Japan, and follows a group of skateboarders who compete in an underground competition known as “S.” When Canadian newcomer Langa Hasegawa moves to Japan, he is quickly befriended by the free-spirited skateboarder/skateboard designer, Reki Kyan.
Among these skaters is Kojiro Nanjo, better known by his “S” alias: Joe. By day, Joe is a talented chef and restaurant owner. But by night, he becomes Joe, “S” founding member and celebrity. With his best friend/frenemy Cherry Blossom at his side, Joe care deeply for the younger generation of skaters and the future of “S.”
Here are some of our favorite Joe quotes:
Our Favorite Joe Quotes
Joe: Dude, you’re talking to a machine?
Cherry: She’s Carla. Have some respect.
Joe : Carla? Figures you’d give your board a girl’s name since you can’t get a real one.

“What a wuss. You’re skating according to your calculations? Good luck. There’s no risk, there’s no fun.”

Cherry: Copycat.
Joe: I’m not copying.
Cherry: Then go to the back of the line.
Joe: You’re cute, but I’m not budging. You’ll have to fight me for my spot.

“Nice try, but I’m not adulting today.”

Joe: Out of the way, cinnamon stick boy.
Cherry: I will not be insulted by a feckless ape.
Joe: Why don’t you cry about it? You move like a robot. A pissy one.

“Overconfidence in poison. But true confidence is power.”

“Our stupid love of skateboarding colors the entire world. It fuels our friendships, emotions, problems. Everything.”

“Persistence is essential in both skating and seduction.”

“Full blown home grown moron.”

Cherry: Push me.
Joe: Yes, princess. What, did you fire Carla or something?

You can watch the first season of Sk8 the Infinity on Crunchyroll.
Did we miss any? Let us know your favorite Joe quote!
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