The 12th Doctor and Missy on the Cover of Doctor Who comic: Mis

Missy returns in brand new “Doctor Who” comic book

Fan-favorite villain Missy returns in a brand new Doctor Who comic book. Titan Comics publishes Doctor Who Comic: Missy as a new series to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Master’s first appearance on Doctor Who in 1971.

Over the years many actors have portrayed the evil Time Lord, with Roger Delgado being the first, and Sacha Dhawan the most recent incarnation. But it was Michelle Gomez’s incredible performance as the sociopathic frenemy of Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor that made her a standout and the reason why Missy was made the title character of this comic book series.

Missy written over Doctor Who comic logo
Missy being Missy – Cover of Doctor Who comic (Photo Credit: Titan Comics/David Busian)

First of all: how fitting is this first cover variant illustrated by David Busian? Missy’s name being written in bright yellow over the Doctor Who logo is so character-like. We love that! Her outfit on all the covers is her recognizable purple coat with a buttoned blouse and crowned with the lady portrait brooch. The first book of this series comes in 4 different cover variants.

All cover variants for the first issue of Doctor Who Comic: Missy
All cover variants for the first issue of Doctor Who Comic: Missy (artists: David Buisan, BBC, Claudia Caranfa, Roberta Ingranata)

In the first of the four comic books to be published, Missy takes on two incarnations of the Doctor at once – the 12th and 3rd Doctor. But this time she is not alone. To wage war against the two Doctors she teams up with someone more than familiar to her: the Master. The first scenes of the book picture the 3rd Doctor being worried about the security systems of Stormcage Containment Facility in the 52nd century. And Missy swaggering in to free the Master who is being held prisoner there. We can’t wait to see cosplayers doing the outfit she wears in her liberation action: mismatching socks and gloves, and rubber ducks on her hat.

Missy wearing a hat with rubber ducks
Missy and the rubber ducks (Photo Credit: Titan Comics)

Doctor Who Comic: Missy is written by Jody Houser. The illustrations are from Roberta Ingranat and Enrica Eren Angiolini. Doctor Who Comic: Missy is published by Titan Comics in cooperation with BBC Studios and available now.

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Corinna has no fashion sense of her own and steals her clothing-ideas from Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, and Sabrina Spellman. Her passion is photography, to draw and to paint, and she loves to get inspired by fan-art from different fandoms. Her Kryptonite is Doctor Who, Harry Potter, LOTR, The Expanse, CAOS, and too many other geeky things.

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