
It’s Time Again For The Next-Gen Consoles – Here’s Our Take

We are getting close to the release of the next-gen consoles, but what do you need to know before investing your hard-earned cash? Are you going to stay loyal to the brand or is it about the games? Maybe it is the style of the next-gen system? Whatever it is, the rebels are here to discuss everything that is known about the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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Intro Music – Final Impasse By Ground is Lava


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Stacy – He’s still playing in WoW as a Pandarian since Blizzard has announced 100% exp boost will go on for the rest of the year (until the next expansion). It’s a great opportunity to get those ALTS leveled up. Maybe it’s something Blizzard should do more regularly as it seems to be well received by the community and servers seem more active.


Amanda- I’m playing Journey to the Savage planet which is the sickest 80’s sci-fi survival romp I’ve ever played. There are even fun 80’s themed commercials that play in your ship too! The only downside is there are jumping puzzles and I suck at jumping puzzles. There are cool creatures and it’s very colorful. You can spend hours scanning wildlife or even jabbing them to get samples that are fairly fun in its own right. 

Verdict – Go for it! It’s on Game Pass and it’s pretty nostalgic.



A recent survey from Internet Matters found that 33% of around 15k children surveyed said their parents had no idea if they were playing age-appropriate games. Following last weeks’ topic, this is certainly concerning news. But it looks like they will be publishing a guide for parents, which might help raise awareness.


The new Xbox Series X logo is out and it looks PRO! It’s quite a divergence in style from the old, more rounded Xbox logos that may be moving away from the ‘casual’ audience. We’re here for it.



Next-Gen Hardware – we’re not tech nerds, but even to a layman, the Xbox isn’t pulling any punches. With backward compatibility for the whole line of consoles, more memory, more teraflops (whatever those are), and backward compatibility with Xbox One controllers (a first in gaming from what we can tell); the Xbox is an actual beast. The only places where PS5 might have a leg up are with data speed, in-controller mic, and the SEXIEST controller we’ve ever seen (looks like Cortana’s bum, no?)!

Next-Gen Games – The Xbox confirmed lineup is mostly legacy exclusives like Halo, Gears, and Elder Scrolls sequels/remasters. Shared launch titles of Cyperpunk 2077 and Watch Dogs 3 have us both excited. PS5 exclusives are more unique IP’s including a new title from Gearbox which has been described as ‘Borderlands with swords’. But there are some old favorites including Last of Us 2, God of War 2 and Spiderman 2. Xbox may be trading slightly on nostalgia here with their lineup that could use some freshening.

Verdict: Amanda will defo buy an Xbox Series X and Stacey will get a PS5 first (and Xbox later). The Xbox does seem more powerful but could use more unique release exclusives. Hopefully, more will be announced later.

We can both agree that the best console would be the Xbox body with the PS5’s sexy, sexy controller. Shame we can’t mix and match.



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