This week on The Boys season two epoisode six ““The Bloody Doors Off”, the Boys get behind Stormfront’s secret, the Boys investigate at the Sage Grove Center, where they unexpectedly meet an old “friend”. While The Deep and Queen Meave work together against Homelander. Homelander’s relationship with Stormfront gets more intense, and she opens up to him about her past.
The second season of The Boys premiered with the first three episodes on Friday, September 4 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. New episodes will be available each Friday following, culminating in a season finale on October 9.
Spoilers ahead, the reader is advised.
Getting Back into the Seven

Queen Maeve and The Deep hold on to their pact. She would bring him back into the Seven if he would help her find something to hold against Homelander. The Deep is able to procure an action cam from the bottom of the ocean, which contains volatile video footage of Homelander and Queen Maeve. The leader of the Seven refuses to help the passengers of the plane that was hijacked a few weeks ago. Instead, he flees from the plane with Maeve (as seen in The Boys, season 1, episode 4, The Female of the Species).
The world to that point believed the lie Homelander told them, that sadly they both arrived too late to rescue the plane. But in fact, it was Homelander who destroyed the control panels when he killed the terrorists and therefore made a rescue impossible. When Elena finds the video at Maeve’s place, she is shocked about what she sees there. Even Maeve’s explanation to use it against Homelander doesn’t change her being truly horrified. She can’t believe that her Maeve would let happen something cruel like this.

Meanwhile, The Deep catches A-Train on the set and invites him to accompany him to Church of the Collective. Both have lunch with its leader, Alistair Adana, and The Deep opens up about his feeling about A-Train. He believes A-Train has sabotaged his entire career and always worked against him. When Alistair wants him to express his feelings and thoughts in return, A-Train realizes their plan to recruit him for the Church. However, A-Train is staying against his will, when Alistair holds his knowledge about the Supe’s debt and physical conditions against him.

Sage Grove Center
After Annie shared her findings of Stormfront’s communication with Stan Edgar (leader of VOUGHT) and about the Sage Grove Center, the Boys prepare to investigate in the psychiatric institute. Frenchie removes the tracker from Annie’s body, so she can’t be located by VOUGHT. However, Butcher is not fond of the idea of bringing her along, as he doesn’t fully trust her. That’s why he wants Annie to stay with Hughie and him, while the rest breaks into the institute. Annie and Butcher are having a heavy argument about the issue he seems to have with her, when suddenly Stormfront appears and enters the facility.

The Female, Frenchie, and M.M. try to steal evidence to use against Sage and VOUGHT. They witness dozens of unknown Supes in cells on the monitors of the surveillance room when Stormfront enters one of them. After the inmate doesn’t cooperate, she makes the nurse understand to take care of him. When he burns the inmate alive, Frenchie and M.M. realize that it is indeed Lamplighter, a former member of The Seven, who they haven’t seen for years (and never without his mask).

On their way out, Lamplighter recognizes Frenchie, who pretends to be an inmate on a stretcher. When he tries to destroy them, Lamplighter damages one of the cells, and a Supe named Cindy steps out. A guard runs up and fires his weapon at her, but can’t hurt the Supe drastically. Instead, Cindy lets the guard explode with a squeeze of her hand. Frenchie and the others flee to avoid becoming her next victim. Cindy frees her fellow inmates, some of whom are able to flee the institution before it can be sealed off.

Outside Sage Grove
One of the fled approaches Butcher, Hughie, and Annie outside the facility. With his superpower in form of an energy wave, he damages the van and injures Hughie badly. Annie aka “Starlight” isn’t able to seal his wound as her power is temporarily switched off. In order to get it running again, they make their way to the next highway and stop a car. The driver isn’t willing to let them have his car, and Annie, receiving power from the car’s engine, kills the driver.

She regrets her actions but now is able to stop the bleeding of Hughie’s wound. Butcher heads for the nearest hospital where Hughie’s life can be saved. While he is resting in his bed, Annie and Butcher talk about him and make fun of the kids-shampoo he uses. They laugh together and finally start to get along.

Why Lamplighter burned out
While Lamplighter and the three Boys members hide in the lab, they have the opportunity to speak about the past. In former sequences, we have seen Frenchie and his drug-addicted friends, that he cares a lot about. When a bank heist goes wrong and they get caught, Grace makes Frenchie an offer. If he would work for her and the CIA, he and his friends would be free, so Frenchie joins “The Boys”.

Some years later “The Boys” blackmail Lamplighter to spy on his colleagues in The Seven, and especially Homelander. Butcher and his mates observe him constantly, but one night Frenchie leaves his position when his friend is about to die from an overdose. He is able to save his life, however, his friends are upset that he won’t stay with them and he never sees them again. When Frenchie returns, Lamplighter has vanished, and burned the grandchildren of Grace alive. After that, he was never seen again, which is why Frenchie and M.M. were so surprised to see him – they thought he was dead. Lamplighter confesses that it was never his intention to murder the children. He was told by VOUGHT that it would be the place where Molly herself was sleeping and his job to kill her. When he noticed his mistake, it was already too late to save the children.

The escape plan of Frenchie’s to stop Cindy with a self-made bomb fails, she destroys it. Off all things, Stormfront comes to the rescue and brings Cindy down, but without recognizing the Boys. While she continues to clean up the mess by killing the inmates of Sage Grove, the four can flee without being seen by Stormfront, and meet Grace in the woods. Grace, of course, is out of her mind and wants to kill Lamplighter, but Frenchie can convince her for the better.
Stormfront and Homelander

The intense relationship between Stormfront and Homelander also extends into her professional life as superheroes, and they start to fight crime as a team. However, while working together, their own sexual arousal is more of a priority than fighting the crime. And so it does not matter to them if the criminals die during their lustful game. What matters to the narcist Homelander is the fact that Stormfront spends time without him. When she flies off to a meeting in the VOUGHT tower, he follows to stalk her. Realizing she is not there and lied to him, a very jealous Homelander burns down his trailer at the set of The Seven.
Building an Army
After he threatened her, Stormfront apologizes to Homelander and opens up to him about her past. She shows him photographs of her daughter, that died some years ago in her 80s. Other photographs show her with Heinrich Himmler and other leading members of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Germany, and with her husband, later founder of VOUGHT. It was him who invented Compound V, and she was the first one that got the first successful injection, making her the first Superhero.

Homelander seems to be in shock for a moment due to that reveal. Stormfront starts to rage about the war they are in for their culture, the other races that are grinding them, and take what is rightfully theirs. And why she sees in Homelander the perfect and true leader of the new army of superheroes they are planning to build. She confesses her feelings to him and Homelander, always seeking for external confirmation and love, feels flattered and gives in.
By the way
By the way: the name “Stormfront” is chosen well for this character, and could have pointed out her true identity in advance. Stormfront is a hate website founded by a former KKK-member who is a white nationalist, white supremacist, antisemitic, Holocaust-denialist, and neo-Nazi. Stormfront is also an episode of Star Trek with time travel back to the 1940s and where the crew has to deal with Nazis. Stormfront’s origin explains all too well why she regards A-Train with disgust, and why she killed the boy back in the 70s while she was known as “Liberty”.
Read more about THE BOYS:
Recap of Season 2, episodes 4 and 5:
Recap: The Boys Season 2 Ep. 4 “Nothing Like It In The World”
The Outfits of “The Boys”:
Frenchie’s Paisley Crew Neck Sweatshirt from ‘The Boys’ Season 2
Frenchie is wearing a Doctor Who inspired shirt in “The Boys” Season 2
Billy Butcher’s shirt from ‘The Boys’ S2E4 “Nothing Like It In The World”