SDCC 2018 Artist Interview with Carla Wzygala

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Carla Wyzgala‘s iconic style blends geek culture with sexy pin-ups and caught our eye last year in San Diego.  She is also our Artist of the Year 2017 and can be found traveling the country at all major Cons.  We’re kicking off this years San Diego Comic Con coverage with Carla Wyzgala!  She can be found at this years San Diego Comic Con at FF16.
We first met you at SDCC 2017 and have since awarded you as our Artist of the Year 2017… it’s been a year, so what’s new with Carla Wyzgala?
I have a twitch account now! Yeah, I learned about mods, emotes and bits… sort of. Still new to streaming, but this year has been all about learning new platforms and ways to reach my audience. Pretty happy to share the process of watercolor on twitch as @carlationsart ! Patreon is next…

Are you bringing any Exclusives or new prints to SDCC 2018?
You bet!  My entire Zodiac series, burlesque Gotham series and since I’m an over-achiever, I also finally have my 168 page hardcover watercolor graphic novel Blue Eyes and the Beastling this year!
You recently did all the zodiac signs, what brought that on? 
It all started with a sketch of twins that reminded me of my sign: Gemini. The sketches of the 12 zodiacs sat in my sketchbook for over a year before I could finally commit to 12 paintings! (It forced me to keep a month free from cons!)
Your booth is consistently busy, do you ever get the chance to sneak away and enjoy the con?
Only on my walks to and from the table while the show floor is closed, sadly. The occasional bathroom break artist alley purchase/trade usually makes me feel better!
What’s a typical day like for you at SDCC?  Is there a typical?
Typical day starts with waking up without enough sleep, a mini panic attack walking through the crowds just to get into the building, (if I’m lucky) a minute or two of sitting at a freshly set up table before show floor opens and caffeine has kicked in, and then its pretty much a blur of smiling too much, doing more math than normal, drinking a meal replacement shake so I don’t pass out, meeting an overwhelming amount of AMAZING nice people and eventually somehow ending up back in bed.
Let’s talk about your latest Kickstarter, what is it?
Finally have enough content (that Im proud of) to put together a sketchbook! Its been a while since my Carlations Process art book and Im super excited to showcase the gems of my rarely seen sketchbooks in Carlations Sketchbook vol. 1!
What’s one of the hardest things for an artist at SDCC?
Well since you asked… Last year was definitely a test of my will and determination. I had an allergic reaction to antibiotics that I took for an ear infection that I acquired hiking up a mountain in Japan to feed monkeys (as one does) and it kicked in HARD on my drive down to set up for SDCC by myself. I would say the hardest thing about SDCC for artists is doing to show solo since it is a small half table with one chair. But hey, if I got through all 5 days while my skin was on fire, I can say it’s because the rest of the experience is SO REWARDING.
What’s something you always look forward to at SDCC?
The FANS!! My goodness, it amazes me every year how full of positive vibes and excited smiles every attendee is all the way down to the last minute of the show. You would never know they waited 2 days for a 50/50 shot at getting into a panel!
You’ve done cons all over the country, what sets SDCC apart from all the rest?
The massive show floor packed with giant displays that continues outside in pretty much the entire city. Nothing else takes over a city quite like SDCC.
What are you looking forward to the most at this years San Diego Comic Con?
So very excited to share my new exclusive for this year with such a loyal crowd and to feel all that SDCC energy again!

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