Episode IX Teaser

Star Wars Episode IX Teaser And Title Revealed at Celebration

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On Friday, JJ Abrams and crew took the stage in Chicago to talk about Episode IX. As predicted, at the end of the panel we got a look at the Episode IX teaser trailer and we got a title. First the title…

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker!

What does that title mean? Is this confirmation that Rey is a Skywalker? Does this mean Luke Skywalker is back? This would be an amazing way to end the Skywalker saga. Here is the trailer if you have not seen it yet.

That teaser heavily featured Mark Hamill. And who is laughing at the end? Is that Luke or is that… Palpatine? Ian McDiarmid did come out on stage and ask them to play the trailer again in Palpatine’s voice. So many questions that won’t get answered until December.

We want to know your thoughts on these reveals. Are you excited about the title? Did you like the teaser? And, who is laughing at the end? Let us know in the comments below.

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