Stranger Things, Friday the 13th, Beetlejuice styles from BlackMilk

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Geeky fashion brand BlackMilk Clothing has released two new collections just in time for spooky season.  This Halloween season they have dropped two new BlackMilk collections. These collections are inspired by Stranger Things, and the Warner Bro classics Friday the 13th and Beetlejuice.

With more than 50 new pieces dropping in total, the collection also showcases plenty of Halloween-inspired prints. They feature playful silhouettes in a variety of easy-to-wear products. From leggings to bodysuits, and dresses to cozy sweaters.

And although these collections are here just in time for Halloween, many of these pieces are subtle enough to wear all year long. But even for the louder statement pieces, you don’t need an excuse to feel spooky. Wearing your fandom on your sleeve any time of year can be an empowering experience.

BlackMilk “Stranger Things” Collection

Firstly, BlackMilk has partnered up with Netflix Geeked to launch a capsule collection inspired by the iconic hit show, Stranger Things. 

BlackMilk “Ghouls Rule” Collection Featuring Friday the 13th and Beetlejuice

Secondly, as part of their ‘Ghouls Rule’ collection, fans will also be able to shop striking designs in partnership with Warner Bros consumer products showcasing styles from classic movies such as Friday the 13th and Beetlejuice. 

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