CosLifeHAQ | Episode 006 | Coronavirus, Convention Updates and Our Community

Monica and Alexandra talk about the Corona Virus and how it is affecting conventions.

CosLifeHAQ | Episode 002 | Basic Convention Etiquette

In this episode, we try to discuss and help newcomers navigate the convention scene. Chris and Rachel of The Nerd Lys join us to discuss con etiquette.

CosLifeHAQ | Episode 001 | Introduction to the Podcast

Welcome to the CosLife HAQ podcast where questions are asked about cosplay, life, and the lifestyles grown within the relationship of both life and cosplay. 

Temple Of Geek Podcast – What to know before going to San Diego Comic Con!

This podcast episode is mainly geared towards people who are visiting San Diego Comic Con for the first time and for those who may have gone several times but maybe want some tips on how to maximize their trip.