Thanksgiving Series Part 1: Consoles & Developers we’re thankful for.

This November, we’re going to do a 3-part series thanking the gaming consoles, developers, and games we’re thankful for.

Retro Rebel Podcast Ep. 125 – What makes a game scary?

This week the Rebels, Amanda and Stacy, will be discussing scary video games. What makes a video game scary?

Why gaming controls get more complex as titles release sequels?

Why do move sets and controls get more complex as titles release sequels? The Rebel’s discuss what the reasons could be.

Retro Rebel Podcast: What’s the best platform for each game genre?

In this episode of the Retro Rebel Podcast, we discuss if there is an ideal place to place specific game types. 

Retro Rebel Podcast – Ep. 121 Franchised Sports Games need a face-lift

In this episode of the Retro Rebel Podcast, we are discussing the history and current state of Franchised Sports Games.

Cross-Promotion in Games, what works and what doesn’t?

Cross-promotion is everywhere these days, but it’s not new. We’ll talk about some famous examples like Halo 3 and MT Dew game fuel, Forza exclusive […]

Retro Rebel Podcast Episode 114 – Quickfire Game Tactics Part One

In this episode of the Retro Rebel Podcast, we discuss gaming news, unpopular opinions, and a round of quickfire off tactics.

Retro Rebel Podcast – Episode 72: Frankengame Part 2

Its Friday and that means an all new episode of Retro Rebel. This week is part 2 of our Frankengame topic.