Temple of Geek Podcast: Star Wars Costuming and Community

Welcome to the Temple of Geek Podcast. The Temple of Geek podcast has been around since 2012 and is hosted by a variety of geeky people from our team. On the Temple of Geek Podcast, we discuss and celebrate fandoms and all things geek. This week, our host Maddie had the chance to sit down and talk with Christine Evans. Christine (@lilypond81 on Instagram) is a long-time fan of Star Wars and is actively involved in the Star Wars community.

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Star Wars has impacted Christine in the best ways

The first question Maddie asked Christine was if she remembered when she first showed an interest in Star Wars. Christine’s answer was beautiful and had a very Star Wars feel. Christine said she remembered seeing A New Hope in theaters as a child. She doesn’t remember much about the theater experience itself, but she does remember this: When she walked outside, the film felt so real, that she looked up at the stars. She believed that the characters were up there somewhere saving the galaxy.

As a child, Christine had a very active imagination. She would play with her invisible friend Luke (Han was naughty, so he had to sit out), and she even made a Princess Leia costume. Costuming came to her at a young age. She can safely say that she was a cosplayer before cosplay was a thing in society.

Fast forward to the present, and Christine has been an active member of the Star Wars cosplay group the Rebel Legion. This is an international group that mostly does charity work while dressed as the “good guys” from the Star Wars films. She is Princess Leia in this group. In fact, Princess Leia and Carrie Fischer have meant so much to her growing up and into adulthood that was has been featured in two different related projects. You can find her in SyFy’s “Looking for Leia” project. Also, she wrote a Princess Leia/Carrie Fischer essay in a book titled Why I Geek: An Anthology of Fandom Origin Stories.

About our Guest

Christine Evans, part of the Star Wars communityChristine Evans is a cosplayer and Broadway wig designer from New York. She plays an active role in the Star Wars community as a Princess Leia cosplayer. Also, Christine has been featured in projects like “Looking for Leia” and Why I Geek.

About our Host

Maddie, hosting Star Wars podcastMaddie is the Deputy Editor and a lead writer for Temple of Geek. She has been a cosplayer since 2014 but has loved all things sci-fi since she was a kid. Doctor Who, Star Wars, Disney, and Marvel are her most favorite fandoms. Find her on Instagram @maddie_whovian and Twitter @mad_whovian



Temple of Geek Podcast - Tuesdays at 10am CST
Retro Rebel Podcast - Fridays at 11am CST

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